Cris, Heartbreak, RM26💙

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Today has been a mess with footie and I guess all of it applies to me since I support all of the teams that I'm about to talk or cry about.

So this isn't news to anyone, but wowie Cris really did go to Juve.

I honestly don't know how to feel about it. Yeah I am a Madridista that likes BOTH LEO AND CRIS. You all can cancel me. I don't care. I love them both as players.

Getting off topic..,.

But yes, Cris is a legend to the club and he deserves all of the respect that he can get. He made a lot of history with the club. He is a golden player.

I'm going to keep it short and sweet though, sometimes people need to move on. There were most likely problems behind the scenes and Cris probably wasn't happy anymore.

I'm happy for him! I respect his decision.

He's going to be welcomed graciously by the Juve supporters. Remember how they applauded his bicycle kick against Juve? God, I can't wait for the love he's going to get playing for Juve.

I know, it's not going to be the same without him at Real, but this doesn't mean that Real Madrid is going to do shitty.

There is more to the club than Cris. Yeah, it really sucks that he's gone, but there are a lot of amazing players on the squad. Yeah BBC isn't anymore, who knows if Gari is staying. This gives a chance for players like Isco, Asensio, etc. to be able to step up. Who knows, there might be a big signing in the process! Do you guys really think that Real would let Cris leave without finding someone that the other players can work with?

It's a team effort, and I know the boys in white will do everything they can to play as well as they did with Cris.

I have optimism.

by the way, for the people laughing at Gigi leaving before Cris came to Juve (because he apparently left before he had the chance to win the UCL with Juve), shut the hell up. You all don't know for sure whether Juve will win with Cris. 


Okay time for me to cry, because I've cried too much today.

I'm going to be a bitch. I'm sorry, but my heart broke even more today. First Spain and now Belgium!!!

Belgium has never won the World Cup before and this is their golden generation. They came in so underrated. Of course, my favourite player plays for Belgium. With the type of player Kevin is, I wanted him to win it so sadly. He deserved it, Vinny, Eden, Tbo, Jan, Toby, I love way too much of the Belgian team because of the EPL team.

Now I'm rooting for them in Euros 2020 because it's their time and HOPEFULLY they'll be able to win in 2022. They deserved way better than this. The World Cup is cancelled.

I hate France either way. I still think they're annoying as hell and overrated. Anything with Paul Pogba annoys the fuck out of me. I would not be able to stand seeing him with some sort of major trophy.

Yeah, I like Lloris, Giroud, Varane, Mendy (who doesn't play smh he deserves better), Kante.

I don't get the hype over Kylian. I'm sorry, but that's just how I feel.

I really hope whoever plays France kicks their asses. If it is England, then fine. I like a lot of players on England! If it's Croatia, cool! I like a lot of their players too!

I'm just done with this World Cup now, because neither of my teams having the chance of winning now. It hurts like hell.



So City (finally) made their first signing of the summer transfer winning.

We signed Algerian winger Riyad Mahrez from Leicester! We'vae been waiting to sign him since January, so I'm very excited!

We signed Algerian winger Riyad Mahrez from Leicester! We'vae been waiting to sign him since January, so I'm very excited!

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"City doesn't need him!"

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"City doesn't need him!"

Well Rani and I were talking about how Riyad is a great addition to the squad. We already have incredible wingers, Raz, Leroy, and Bernardo. Pep normally starts Raz and Leroy, except when Leroy was injured, and they've done an incredible job!

In my opinion, I feel like Pep's plan is to rotate who is benched and who starts, so that no one gets overly tired this season (especially with the World Cup this year). 

The thing is, we have an even stronger attack. We have 2 strikers and 3-4 wingers we can utilize (depending on where Pep wants to put Bernardo). I feel like this is very crucial, considering that we really want to contend for Champions League this year. 

I really hope we can get the Jorginho signing done next, if that actually happens. Pep's other goal was to get another midfielder and Jorginho is our main target. If that fails, we're going after Mateo Kovacic (I would love that oh my god). 

Regardless, I'm very optimistic about this signing and am very happy to welcome Riyad to his new home at the Etihad Campus!


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