Judging someone on an event that left them orphaned is, in fact, quite rude.

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Harry woke up the next day to a faint tapping sound. He dragged himself off of the bed and mumbled something along the lines of "Yeah, I'm coming, I'm coming," and "Give me a minute." The tapping continued and Harry opened his eyes to see Theo tapping his wand against his Potions textbook, not Aunt Petunia's horse like face staring down at him.

Theo looked up from his book and looked like he was trying to suppress a laugh. Harry was confused, but looked in the mirror Theo was pointing to and saw his hair flying up in random angles. He groaned and tried to flatten the hair down, but only made it more frizzy the more he tried. He called it quits after a few minutes and grabbed some clean clothes to bring with him to the bathroom.

After a ten minute shower where Harry mostly stood under the water, embracing the warmth, he emerged from the bathroom fully dressed and with a towel sat on top of his head.

Everyone else, besides Vince and Greg, seemed to have already gotten their showers and were either reading a textbook or tidying up their bed area. Harry looked at the clock overhead the door and decided to use his time before breakfast to look over his textbooks and let his hair dry. He got so engrossed with his Defense Against The Dark Arts textbook, that he nearly smacked Draco with it when he shook Harry's shoulder, telling him it was time for breakfast. Harry then put away his towel and his textbook, following the others out of the dorm.

All the first years lined up and followed the two Prefects, who they learned were named Fenston and Gemma, to the Great Hall for breakfast.

The first years all sat in the same spots as yesterday and definitely didn't hesitate about digging in to the big breakfast display. Harry plopped one pancake and a few strawberries onto his plate, and started to butter the pancake when he saw a shadow looming over him. He turned to see Professor Snape holding out a paper to him.

"Your timetable Mr. Potter," he drawled, "You shan't have a problem finding your way, as you share a schedule with all of the other Slytherin first years."

He stalked away, handing out timetables down the table to the rest of the Slytherins. Harry looked down at the timetable and was relieved to see that they didn't have Potions class until Friday. He had a feeling that Snape didn't like him that much and wondered what he ever did to the man to have him feel that way. School only officially started that day.

Harry blinked and looked up when he saw a hand waving in front of him. He turned and saw Draco raising an eyebrow at him.

"You really do zone out a lot, huh," Draco declared. "I was asking if that's all you were going to eat. There isn't much on your plate to start with and you barely even touched half of it. You're awful skinny to not be finishing your food. Are you nervous or something?"

'Getting use to eating a proper meal doesn't just happen over night, ya know'

Harry waved it off as nerves for their upcoming lessons and told Draco not to worry about him. He even popped a strawberry in his mouth to show Draco that he was going to eat.

A few moments later, a bunch of owls fluttered down into the Great Hall and Harry watched as a lot of the older students immediately covered their food. Harry did the same as a large brown owl swooped down and dropped a parcel in front of Draco. Draco, and a good majority of the other Slytherins, opened up their parcels distributed by the owls and showed off what was inside. Harry felt disappointed that he hadn't received anything, but shook the feeling away by telling himself he didn't have anyone to send him anything.

"Oh, yes!" Draco exclaimed. "Mother remembered. Ever had Swiss chocolate, Harry?" He asked, shoving a bar of elegantly wrapped chocolate under Harry's nose.

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