What's in this broom shaped parcel? Hmm, dEfIniTelY nOt A bRoOm!

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Harry and Draco walked out of the Great Hall together. Blaise and Daphne were in front of them bickering and the rest of the first year Slytherins were trailing behind them chatting amongst themselves. Harry didn't even realize anyone was talking as he was still staring down at the photo of his mother. He really wished wizarding photos had sound too, because he really wanted to hear her laughter.

They were rounding the corner when Draco stopped abruptly, causing everyone else to either smack into him or stumble. Harry dove to the ground in order to catch the photograph of his mother. When he saw who was blocking the way, he immediately got up and stood tall. In front of them, once again, was Ron Weasley.

"I'm going to make something really clear, Potter," he spat before continuing, "You may be fooling the teachers into thinking you're some 'golden child' or whatever, but I know that you're dark. Nobody can defeat a dark lord as a baby. It's not human! I don't care how many times they throw me in detention for the fights you're starting, Potter. All you should know is: Don't. Mess. With. Me."

The Slytherins all glanced at one another before bursting into laughter. Blaise, being his over dramatic self, fell to the ground laughing and clutching is stomach. Vince and Greg didn't understand what was going on, but they still smirked and snorted anyway. Pansy even had tears trecked down her face and was using Lily as a support so she wouldn't fall. Weasley's face grew red with anger and he glared at them.

"Okay, Weasley, here's the deal," Draco said, breaking the laughter, "I challenge you to a Wizard's Duel at midnight tonight in the trophy room; it's always unlocked. Harry will be my second."

The laughter finally ceased completely and they all looked at Draco. Harry didn't know what a wizard's duel was, but he didn't like the idea of having to attend one. Wealsey seemed put back by the challenge, but immediately straightened up and stepped forward.

"I accept. Although, I don't need a lousy second. I'll defeat you and your cowardly golden boy within the first five minutes!" He declared, turning on his heel and marching down the corridor.

"Uh, Draco," Harry said, turning towards his friend, "Are you sure about this? I mean, I don't even know what a wizard's duel is and I don't like the sound of it."

Draco rolled his eyes and put his hand on Harry's shoulder.

"It's a setup, Harry. We aren't going to duel him. We'll have him come down to the trophy room at midnight and by the time he realizes that we're not going to show, Filch or some Professor will have caught him," he explained.

Harry nodded and they all started walking again. The conversations started back up and Harry chuckled to himself. He really liked being in Slytherin.

~le time skip~

At breakfast the next morning, the Slytherin first years all tried to surpress their laughter as Weasley enetered the Hall looking extremely mad. He looked over at the Slytherin table and put his finger up at them before plopping himself down at the Gryffindor table. Even Harry found it funny.

"Did you- did you see his face?" Pansy snorted.

"Do you think he was caught by Filch?" Lily asked

"That carrot-head got what he deserved!" Blaise exclaimed.

Harry snorted into his porridge and saw Draco next to him wearing a smug, yet proud look. It left, however, when the two Slytherin Prefects came over to them. Fenston was glaring at them while Gemma was smiling.

"What're you lot laughing about, huh?" Fenston asked in a nasty tone. Harry noted that he is definitely not a morning person. Gemma rolled her eyes and slipped Harry a note.

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