Sh-shu-shu- shut up Quirrell

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Hermione and Neville both swore to keep what they know about Quirrell or Fluffy a secret. Harry was glad that Neville only knew about Fluffy since he was sure that Neville would unfortunately give away information if pressured into it. He knew Neville was a nice friend, but he really didn't think he'd be able to trust him with any information or secrets. He felt bad about whispering with Hermione about the stone when Neville wasn't paying attention to them in study group. He sometimes wondered if Neville thought they were talking about him or making fun, since they'd quickly stop whispering whenever Neville looked over to them.

Snape had kept watchful eyes over him and Draco whenever they were near. He definitely wasn't taking the whole situation lightly. At the Gryffindor vs Hufflepuff match, Snape refereed and kept a watchful eye on Quirrell in the teachers' stand. Harry hoped that Snape would be able to referee his next match against Ravenclaw, but Draco pointed out that it wouldn't be fair since his own house would be playing.

What made Harry feel most uneasy about the situation, however, was his unintentional eavesdrop on a conversation between the Potions Master and the Defense Professor one evening.

Harry was at Quidditch practice for the fourth time that week. His arms felt weak and he was sore from all the training Flint put him and the team through. He wasn't complaining though; he knew how important it was to win the next match. He squinted and zigzagged around the field in search of the Golden Snitch. He dodged Bludgers and just about got whacked in the face with one of the Beaters' bats when he spotted a shiny, glimmering gold figure out of the corner of his eye. He quickly jerked his broom in the direction of the figure and sped towards it, holding the polished end of the broom stick close to his chest. He kept charging after the glimmering figure, gaining as much speed as he could and yet, found himself loosing sight of it. He abruptly stopped when he no longer saw it in the distance. He hovered there, breathing heavily, and taking in his surroundings. He had somehow ended up in the beginning of the Forbidden Forest. He saw the ominously dark trees and the misty fog dusting the tops and decided to quickly make it back to the field before Flint accused him of ditching.

Snap. A twig at the start of the forest echoed as it was crushed. Harry's heart started beating fast and he lowered himself on the broom behind a thick oak tree. He peeked through the thick, peeling branches and watched closely as a hooded figure made an appearance in a shadowy clearing. Squinting at the area, Harry saw Quirrell stepping into the clearing and greeting the hooded figure.

"... d-don't know why you wanted t-t-to meet here of all p-places, Severus..."

"Oh, I thought we'd keep this private," said Snape, his voice icy. "Students aren't supposed to know about the Sorcerer's Stone, after all."

Harry leaned forward. He couldn't hear properly, but Quirrell was mumbling something before Snape interrupted him.

"Have you found out how to get past that beast of Hagrid's yet?"

"B-b-but Severus, I-"

"You don't want me as your enemy, Quirrell," Snape said, taking a step toward him.

"I-I don't know what you-"

"You know perfectly well what I mean."

Quirrell looked taken aback and started mumbling again. Snape grunted something and started whispering angrily to the shaking man before him. Harry tried to lean closer to listen in, but he almost fell off his broom, smacking his leg on a branch below and groaning in pain. Snape quickly whipped his head in Harry's direction just as Harry safely hid himself behind the tree again. Snape narrowed his eyes at the tree and turned his attention back to Quirrell.

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