What's up with all these creatures??

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Following Snape's demand-like advice, Harry avoided conversation about Hogwarts' many problems and focused more on school work. Well, at least he tried to. Draco seemed to be the king of secrecy and sneakiness as he continuously chatted about the stone without any raised eyebrows or questioning glances being shot at them. He always knew when someone was looking at them or when the conversation should be ceased until another time. Harry was amazed by the sneaky qualities of his blond friend and agreed with himself that Draco was the whole definition of what a Slytherin is.

"Have you completed the Astronomy essay?" Harry asked, tapping the end of his quill on his cheek.

"Yes. Have you figured out why Quirrell is going after the stone?" Draco asked his friend.

"Draco, why do we always have to talk about Quirrell? I don't know why he's doing anything he does, so why do you keep asking? Snape said that we shouldn't-"

"You'd jump off the highest tower of the castle if Snape told you to. Don't you want to know all the answers to our questions?" Draco interrupted Harry.

"Well, yes-"

"Then let's talk about it! I mean come on, we're the only ones in the dorm right now, so why are you worrying that someone's listening? Snape won't burst through the wall and hex you for mentioning something you deserve to know the answers to," said Draco, laying back against his pillows.

Harry pursed his lips and put down his quill and parchment, shifting himself on his bed. He looked over at Draco and tilted his head.

"Yeah, but still. Snape said not to worry about it and Quirrell does seem a bit creepy. I really wouldn't want to cross him.. He's been a bit braver this past week if you haven't noticed. He's paler now, but he seems more forceful with his words.. I don't know. I'd rather listen to Snape right now," Harry told him.

Draco shook his head and sat up, putting a pillow on his lap. He moved so he was facing Harry and rolled his eyes.

"What? Is Snape your babysitter or something? Ickle Harry warry needs Snape to change his nappy doesn't he? Perhaps your bottle needs to be warmed? Aww how cute." Draco said smirking. "C'mon Harry, be your own person and listen to yourself! I get not shouting what we know to each other in the Great Hall, but simply having a chat in a closed off room? Are you really that paranoid?"

Harry rolled his eyes and shrugged. He didn't want his closest friend to think of him as a wuss. He simply wanted to be cautious and remain safe from whatever harm that could come their way. The Quidditch and Halloween incidents were traumatizing enough to last Harry years of unwanted paranoia. He sometimes wondered if there was a curse set on him to bring bad luck his way. Maybe it was a Hogwarts thing for first years to be a part of odd and scary events?

Harry checked the time on the clock on the wall opposite from him and started to gather his things. He collected his books and straightened his robe, turning to Draco.

"I have study group now. I'll see you later," Harry said.

"Oh. See you then. Ask your muggleborn friend if she-"

"-If she knows anything more about Quirrell. Oh my God, Draco! You tell me to ask her that everytime I go to see her!" Harry told his friend with an aggravated tone.

"Then ask her every time I tell you to ask! It's not much work for you to ask a question is it? You never know what she could be hiding.."

Harry rolled his eyes and grinned. He said goodbye to Draco again and set off to the library, listing the uses of dragon blood in his head. Hermione would be sure to quiz him on everything they've learned throughout the term for the end of year exams. Harry learned that she tends to become more of an intense studier, if that's even possible, when there's tests. Exams wouldn't even begin for another ten weeks and Hermione was already on Harry and Neville about the two prepping. He was glad that she was determined to help them pass, but Harry was becoming stressed with all the talk of Quirrell from Draco and the constant reminders to study from Hermione. Neville continuesly listed all the reasons to be nervous about, well, everything, so he wasn't much help in calming Harry's nerves either.

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