Death anniversaries and troll stench ought to ruin anyone's day

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Harry was surprised at how fast time was flying by. He had been so focused on his studies and on Quidditch practice that he didn't even believe his eyes when he saw that October was almost over on the calendar. Hogwarts had felt more like a home these past two months than Privet Drive ever has in the past ten years. Harry was feeling kind of disappointed that the time was going by so fast. He felt that if he blinks then the school year will have ended and he'd be forced back to Privet Drive.

School work was also getting a bit more difficult. In most of their classes, the basics had been covered and the students were moving on to more difficult material. Harry struggled a bit in Transfiguration and to his surprise, was getting decent marks in Potions. He found it quite easy being paired with Draco. With Harry's acquired chopping and measuring skills he obtained from years cooking for the Dursleys, and Draco's overall gift in the subject and good reading skills, the two of them were proud to say that Potions was their best subject.

Harry, like everyone else, woke to the delicious smell of baking pumpkin on Halloween morning. Harry was very excited for the feast scheduled in the evening and wondered if the glorious smells would be wafting through the air in the classrooms, too.

"Good Morning, Draco!" Harry exclaimed, throwing back his friend's curtains.

Draco groaned and chucked a pillow at him. Harry retrieved the pillow and lightly smacked Draco with it. Draco grabbed his other pillow and launched at Harry, beating him with it until they were both giggling and breathing hard. Theo then walked out of the bathroom with his toothbrush hanging out of his mouth and made a face that just said, 'why?' Harry chucked his pillow at Theo and the dorm suddenly turned into a battlefield. All of the boys in the dorm started beating each other with pillows and jumping across the beds. Bedding was scattered everywhere and the dorm was looking like an overall disaster.

Suddenly, the door to the dorm was slammed open and Fenston came rushing in with his wand pointed ahead. He took one look at the boys and immediately turned his serious face into a look much more resembling a scowl.

"Must you boys act in such an immature manner? Your banging and hollering can be heard throughout all of the other dorms!" He scolded.

They all mumbled an apology and got off of the beds to start picking everything up. Fenston seemed satisfied with what they were doing and swiftly nodded, walking out of the dorm. Blaise stuck his tongue out at the back of his head and everyone else giggled.

"My toothbrush..." Theo sad sadly as he picked it up off the ground. Greg had crushed it with his foot during the pillow fight when he jumped off of his bed at some point.

Draco rolled his eyes and continued rearranging his pillows on his bed, ordering Greg to make his own bed too. He scoffed when he saw how Harry was making his bed and immediately rushed over to his friend.

"Honestly, Potter! Have you never made a bed? One would think you've never had a bed before if they saw the state your bed-making skills are in!" Draco exclaimed, immediately redoing Harry's work.

"Well.." Harry mumbled, handing Draco a pillow.

Once Draco was satisfied with the way the bed looked, he marched off to the bathroom to get a start on his morning routine.

After getting the whole dorm situated and looking nice, the boys all headed down to breakfast. They all sat down and ignored the odd looks the girls were giving them. Harry was munching on a piece of toast when he felt someone touch him. He looked over to see Pansy's hand on his. He tilted his head and raised his eyebrow at her. She doesn't do as much as say hello to him let alone touch him.

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