Not all red heads are spawns of Satan

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"You're kidding, me."

"Snape allowed you?"

"You've only ever flown once!"

Those were the comments that followed after Harry told his dorm mates about what happened. He went to them for advice on what to do and if they could tell him more about Quidditch. They all seemed pretty excited for Harry, but Draco looked put off. He was glaring a hole at the foot of his bed and only nodded or shook his head when asked a question.

"Draco, you're not mad that Snape's recommending me for the team are you?" Harry asked when he noticed something was wrong with his friend.

Draco didn't reply and continued to stare off. Harry nudged him.

"If you want, I can ask Flint or Snape if they can have you try out, too. You probably want the position more than I do," Harry told him.

Draco shook his head and looked up at Harry.

"No, Harry. If Snape wants you to try for the team, then do it. Im fine. Was just a little upset is all. Besides, I'd probably do better as a chaser anyway." He took a deep breath and sat back down on his bed.

Harry raised an eyebrow at Draco and then went back to discussing brooms with Blaise and Theo. Greg and Vince gave their opinions every once in a while, too. Harry tried his best to absorb every bit of information he could about Quidditch. He really didn't want to be ignorant to this new idea if he was going to be let on the team. They continued the conversation walking down to dinner and stopped abruptly when they were blocked from entering the Great Hall by Weasley and Finnigan.

"Filch, Potter," Weasley spat, twirling his wand in his hand. "Detention with Filch that I have to attend because of something you did."

Harry felt himself go a little red with anger and he crossed his arms. Draco stood half in front of Harry protectively while Greg and Vince backed him up.

"Your fault for being a moron. I was going to give Neville his Remembrall back, but you had to be a stupid jerk and assume that the snake badged on my cloak suggests that I'm the bad guy. Have you even looked at yourself, Weasley? Honestly though, you should probably get your tiny brain checked out or something because your level of stupidity should surely be the cause of being dropped on the head as an infant." He snarled, glaring at the two Gryffindors.

Harry saw Blaise beside him trying to suppress a laugh. He felt a bit more confident in himself then and wasn't so afraid of what the walking red headed beanstalk had to say to him. Weasley, however, didn't find it funny at all.

"Says you, Potter. I bet your parents tried to- oh wait! You don't have any do you?" He said cockily.

Finnigan gasped and gave Wealsey a look of disgust. Theo put a hand on Harry's back while Blaise and Draco tried to advance upon the red head. Greg and Vince cracked their knuckles and growled dangerously. Harry felt his eyes fill with tears, but he didn't dare let them fall. Weasley, however, smirked and didn't seem to care about the Slytherin boys trying to jump on him.

"Enough, Mr. Weasley!" A voice yelled behind them.

A plump looking woman came running over and stood between the two groups. She put her hands on her hips and gave Weasley a stern look. Professor McGonagall came over as well and the two adults started to lecture him.

"Pomona, if you could please escort Mr. Potter to Severus's office. I don't believe he was planning to attend dinner tonight anyway. The rest of you, go off to dinner. Straight away and no buts about it. As for you Mr. Weasley.." She addressed, steering him away.

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