All we had to do was eat chocolate?!

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Ever since the day Professor Snape had escorted Harry away from the mirror, Harry had reoccurring nightmares of his family being taken away from him. He opted to studying late into the night so he didn't have to sleep. Unfortunately for him, the sleep deprivation and constant paranoia made the nightmares even worse. He tried telling Draco about his nightmares in a letter, but Draco told him to stop being so childish. On top of all that, they still hadn't found who Nicolas Flamel was yet.

Harry had stopped going to meals throughout the remainder of the break and spent his days in his dorm curled up with a book. He looked forward to seeing the tray of food appear beside him three times a day and felt lonely when he sat there eating alone. Emmer and Meredith had a bit of a row on Boxing Day, so Harry stayed in his dorm all of the time in order to avoid the two. He couldn't wait for his friends to return to Hogwarts.


On the day before the new term, Harry greeted Draco in the entrance hall and enveloped him in a hug. Draco tensed up and patted his back once before pushing the shorter boy away. He raised an eyebrow at him and tilted his head in confusion. Harry cleared his throat in embarrassment and quickly tried to come up with conversation.

"It's nice to see you Draco," Harry breathed out, "Have you found anything about Flamel?"

Draco shook his head and continued walking with Harry down to the dungeons. He walked close to Harry and lowered his voice.

"Unfortunately, no. I searched a good majority of the library, but Father became suspicious since I've never spent more than three hours in the library let alone days. Have you found anything then?" He asked.

Harry shook his head and walked down the stairs to the dungeons.

"Maybe Hermione will have found something," Harry suggested, leaping off the last three stairs.

Draco rolled his eyes and scoffed.

"She's a mudblood Harry. Why in Salzar's name would she have information regarding a wizard at her muggle home?"

Harry shrugged and blushed slightly at his own stupidity. Draco and him walked into their dorm to see Blaise and Vince unpacking their things. Blaise nodded at them as Harry sat down on his bed, Draco doing the same.

"So what's this about you having nightmares over the break?" Draco asked, scooting more onto Harry's bed.

"I-uh.. It's kind of personal.." Harry stuttered, looking away from Draco.

Draco nodded and snapped his fingers a few times, getting the attention of Blaise and Vince.

"Crabbe, see yourself and Blaise out of the dorm until I say to come back in. I'd like to have a private discussion," he ordered.

Blaise laughed and cocked an eyebrow at Draco.

"If you think you can start ordering me around, then you've got another thing coming, Malfoy," Blaise stated, putting his hands on his hips.

Draco shrugged and got up, giving Blaise a sly look. A mischievous grin played on his lips as he stepped forward.

"Alright Zabini. If you and Crabbe don't get out right now, then I'll have Pansy tell the whole school about what you did at the Christmas party," he threatened.

Blaise's face turned red and he started sweating. He narrowed his eyes at Draco and scoffed.

"Fine then," said Blaise, pushing Vince out of the dorm and following. He even made sure to slam the door behind himself.

Lightning in a House of SerpentsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora