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Aa~ Aaron A~ Aphmau
L~ Lucinda S~ Sylvanna

Aa~ "Aph, you have to replace my lap for the arm rest." *moves Aph*

A~ "okay" *falls asleep*

S~ *loudly knocks on door waking up Aphmau* "YOU BETTER OPEN UP NOW-"

Aa~ *opens door* "H-Hey Sylvanna. What are you two doing here?"

S~ *slaps Aaron across the face* "You hurt my mihija... DIDN'T YOU!"

A~ "M-Mom, I'm fine."

L~ "A-Aphmau... You look sick..." *starts walking to her*

Aa~ *blocks the door so they can't get in* "S-she's fine, just tired..." *looks over at Aph*

S+L~ *running behind Aaron's back*

S~ *sees Aphmau* "M-M-Mihija... Y-you..."

L~ "Aphmau..."

S~ *looks back at Aaron and walks up to him* "YOU IDIOT! YOU GOT MY MIHIJA PREGANANT! YOU WILL PA-"

A~ "MOM!" *stood up in front of Sylvanna* "Don't blame him for something I chose to do!"

S~ "...Mihija..."

A~ "You said you wanted grandbabies. So just, get out!" *Aph faints from the pain she's under and stress she just put herself in*

Aa~ *catches Aph before hitting the ground* "APHMAU... APHMAU! Please, wake up!"

S~ *thinks* how much does he care for her? Maybe I underestimated him...

L~ *panicking*

Aa~ *places Aph on bed* "Lucinda, Sylvanna... please... leave."

*Sylavanna and Lucinda leave*

Aa~ *goes downstairs and cooks dinner*


I really hope Aph is okay. She may have just felt something hurt in her. She's going through a lot right now.

Aa~ *punches fist into the table* "Why can't I just help..."


A~ *in kitchen helping Aaron* "Hey babe."

Aa~ "You're stressed out, aren't you?" *puts Aph's hair into a ponytail*

A~ "How did you know?" *she said playfully*

Aa~ *finishes putting hair in ponytail* "You never call me 'babe'."

A~ ...

Aa~ "Dinner's ready... You can eat with me if you want."

A~ "Okay." *kisses Aaron's cheek*

Aa~ *gets turned on, it's been a while since they felt like, but he knew* *whispers* "Go away... Go away..."

A~ *she can hear him, and in a sad voice says* "You... You want me to go away...?" *starts crying*

Aa~ *runs over to Aph* "Aph, no! Never..." *sigh* "You just... Turned me on, we haven't kissed in a while... I wanted 'it' to go away."

A~ "Oh... Sorry for jumping to comcl-"

Aa~ "Don't be. Just... Go rest... Please."

A~ *goes upstairs to rest* "I love you, Aaron."

Aa~ "I love you too, Aph." *puts elbows on the counter and covered his eyes with his hands* *crying* "What have I done."


Aaron told me to go upstairs. I can hear him crying downstairs... I hope he gets better.

*Derik calls Aaron*

Aa~ "Hello"

D~ "Aaron..  Aphmau, she has low chances."

Aa~ "What do you mean?"

D~ "Aphmau is a human. Am I correct?"

Aa~ "Yes... She is."

D~ "Okay. Aphmau - she being a human - your mom didn't go through as much pain. But Aphmau... She could die..."

Aa~ "WHAT!? No, no, no, no...."

D~ "I know, it's hard. But stay strong for her."

*call ends*


510 words

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