Aphmau in Pain

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Aa~ Aaron A~ Aphmau
S~ Sylvanna D~ Derik
DO~ Doctor R~ Rachael
M~ Melissa


DO~ "Aphmau, you have to push on 3..."




A~ *screaming in pain she could hardly endure*

Aa~ "I didn't realize how much intense pain she was going to be in. This hurts, just seeing it."

D~ "I know, but Aaron. If she survives. You have to do whatever you can to make things stable. No more off the hook money, you need a new job."

Aa~ "Ye-"

DO~ "3... 2... 1..."



Her screaming was turning into crying... I couldn't watch anymore.

Aa~ *leaves the room, still able to hear Aph*

S~ "I may have unserestimated you."

Aa~ *Aaron's dazed, if anything were to happen Aaron wanted to stay in focus*

S~ "You-you are a good g-"

DO~ "Aphmau, you got the first one. The second one doesn't seem to be ready yet. We will let you rest now."

Aa~ *gets up walks into room* "Thank you." *he said to the doctor*

A~ *crying* "Aaron. It hurts a lot..."

R~ *walks into room* "I know it did sweetpup."

D~ "Hey, Rachael you made it just in time... I need to talk to you and Aaron."

R + Aa~ "okay" *they walk out into waiting room*

D~ "Aaron. Aphmau, she wasn't so okay..."

Aa~ "What do you mean?"

R~ *joins in* "Aphmau was straining a lot, her screams weren't normal."

Aa~ "Yeah, this is traumatysing for her. She has never given birth, let alone to wolf pups."

*Rachael and Derik look at each other then back at Aaron*

D~ "Aaron, the moment she gets back home and gets proper rest..." *whispers as quiet as possible* "You have to turn her."

Aa~ "... I know. If not, things could end up, terribly."

R~ "Just please, stay in the room with us this time. She really wanted you in there. Okay?"

Aa~ "Okay."

*they walk back into the room*

A~ "Aaron!" *holds his hand* *whispers as quiet as possible* "I think the next is the Ultima, it's hurting more than the other one."

Aa~ "Okay Aph. Just, please stay."

A~ *nods her head yes*


365 words

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