Chapter One: Lost in your Eyes

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It was going to be the best night of my life. I'm going to my first ever Palaye Royale show and I've never been so excited for something. They have been my favorite band for a while now, but it took me some time to save up money to buy myself a ticket. I'm a waitress at a shitty diner. Spoiler: it doesn't pay much. I had to work tonight and my boss is being a real dick, but nothing can ruin my mood. The clock finally hits 6 pm and I clock out and head home. I shower and put my blonde hair into its usual messy bun. I pull on my black skinny jeans with holes in the knees and my favorite Palaye Royale shirt. I finish the look with some makeup and my black Vans.

As I am driving to the show, I start to get anxious. This happens to me all the time, sometimes for no reason at all. But I know that it's happening now, because of the amount of people that are going to be at this show. I saw on Twitter that this show is sold out, and I get very anxious around large groups of people. I don't want my anxiety to get in the way of me living a happy life. It might help if I had someone with me, but I don't have many friends. Well, I don't really have any friends, just acquaintances. But I refuse to miss my favorite band, so I decided to go alone. I park my car and start to walk the short distance to the venue. My breathing quickens as I start to hear the voices of the people standing in line. I round the corner and I see a moderate amount of people gathered at the door. There aren't a ton of people but there are just enough people to give me the shakes. I ignore the feeling in my stomach, take a deep breath, and tell myself this night will not be ruined. I take my place at the back of the line.

The doors open at 7:30 and everyone files inside. I manage to weasel my way to the front of the crowd so I am pressed right up against the stage. I see the drum set with the Palaye Royale logo on the bass and the Palaye marquee sign hanging just above. It's not long before the lights dim and I see the figure of a slender man take the stage and sit behind the drums. The crowd cheers. Even with low light, we all know this man is Emerson. After him follows the lead guitarist, a very tall man with sharp features and a nice suit. This is obviously Sebastian. The crowd cheers once again. The room falls silent as the crowd awaits the entrance of the lead singer. The band begins to play the song "White" as Remington takes the stage. The crowd explodes into girls screaming his name as he begins to sing: "Lies, your dirty lies. Lost in your eyes. Your big blue eyes..."

They put on such a great show, I was sad as it started coming to a close. Remington announced that this was the last song of the set. The band started playing "Get Higher" And the crowd started jumping. Around the end of the song Remington started climbing up the rafters. He made his way across the ceiling beams until he was over the crowd. He wrapped his legs around one of the beams and started dangling upside down from the ceiling. He was still singing and once his torso was fully extended, he was directly above me. About a foot above my head, I look up and his eyes meet mine. The song is coming to a close but his eyes never leave mine. Suddenly everything goes silent, and it appears to only be affecting me. All I can focus on are the deep brown eyes in front of me. I am aware that everyone else around me is still singing along and dancing, but it seems as if time has slowed down. I start to shake and my breathing quickens as my anxiety takes over. The song ends and Remington pulls his eyes from mine and drops from the ceiling into the crowd. He lands right next to me and everyone in the crowd surges toward us. The room turns black as I loose consciousness.

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