Chapter Twenty-Six: The End.

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Harper's POV

"I'm going to go outside and try to call Remington. I'm getting worried." I tell the guys, standing up from the table. I walk out the front door into the dimly lit Waffle House parking lot. I pull my phone from my pocket and go to my contacts, searching for Remington's name. I hear a muffled voice. I can't tell what it's saying, or if it is speaking at all. Probably just a raccoon. I look back to my phone.

But what if it's not a raccoon? My anxiety whispers.
What if it's a serial killer?

Shit. I turn on my phones flashlight and turn to face the direction from which the noise came. I slowly approach the corner of the building. It's so quiet out here. I slow my breathing, I feel like it's too loud. I take slow, and careful steps. I hear another sound from just around the corner of the building. Almost like gravel moving under the weight of a person. I freeze. Realizing I'm an idiot, alone at night in the parking lot of a sketchy Waffle House with no weapon, I start to take a step backwards. Just then a man walks around the corner. I scream.

"Will you put that damn light out? It's fuckin bright."

"Remmy?" I put my flashlight away, to find Remington standing in front of me.

"What the hell! You scared the shit out of me!" I yelled, slapping his chest.

He laughed. "What're you doing our here by yourself anyway? It's not safe." He takes my hand and heads for the entrance of the restaurant.

"I was trying to get ahold of you. I was worried about you. You ghosted."

We walked inside and sat back in the booth.

"Hey! You found him!" Seb yelled. I'm not sure how he is wasted at a Waffle House. He probably has a gin stash in his suit pocket or something.

"Yeah, she found me." Rem starts. "I was meeting some fans after the show, and you assholes left without me. I took a cab here, dicks."

"Hey, we waited for forever." Emerson said.

"What, like twenty minutes?" Remington asked, teasing.

The waitress noticed the new addition to our table, and approached. Staring at Remington as he ordered, I noticed a stain on his shirt. Is that.. blood?


Back at the bus, it's the last day of tour. We're all just waking up and starting our day. Seb is out for his run, Remington is in the bathroom, Emerson is the only one still sleeping. I'm laying on my bunk, scrolling through Twitter.

"Girl Found Murdered Behind Waffle House"

What the hell? I click the link.

A local girl was found murdered behind the Waffle House on fifth avenue this morning. Local police are still on the scene at this time and are issuing no statements. We spoke with the manager of the establishment and he had this to say:
'I asked my cook to take the trash out after we closed, around 2am. She noticed a car next to the dumpster, and on her way back to the back door, she saw the girls body in the shadows a couple feet from the door.'
At this time, there is no additional information. We will keep you updated as this story progresses.

Remington exits the bathroom, phone in hand.

"Hey did you see the news article about that girl?" I asked him.

"No, what're you talking about?" He replied.

I turn my phone to show him the article. His already pale face turned an even lighter shade of white.

"What did you do?" I asked.

"Oh it's automatically my fault?" He asks, offended.

"Kind of! I saw you walk from behind the building, blood on your shirt, and you're a fuckin vampire!" I whisper yell.

"The cab dropped me off out back. The blood on my shirt was fake blood from the show. You don't know what you're talking about. I had nothing to do with that girl." He dismisses me.

"You didn't even use any fake blood during last nights show. Don't lie to me!" I stormed off the bus and into the venue. I need to be away from him. I'm going to help set up the merch.

Remington and I didn't talk for the rest of the day. The show that night went as planned. It was a great final show of the tour, but I couldn't stop thinking about that news article. I feel like I should tell someone. Maybe Emerson. I will try to get him alone later so I can talk to him.

After the boys met every person who came to the show, we all went back to the bus. I needed a shower. That's my thinking space, and I definitely needed to think. Did Remington kill that girl? I'm almost sure he did. There are too many things that make him look guilty. Should I even be mad about it? I don't want him to be this monster, I love him with all my heart. But I can't change him. He has to do what he has to do, right?

I exit the shower, and put on my pajamas. I head to my bunk. Surprisingly, everyone is passed out. Except, Remington is nowhere to be found. I don't want to think about what he's doing. It doesn't even matter, right? Tour is over. I don't even have a place to live. I should be worried about that. I try to push Remington from my mind and I try to go to sleep. I must have dozed off for a while, and I wake up to the door of the bus being opened. It's dark, but I can tell it's Remington by the outline of his hair in the dark. He approaches my bunk, and sits on the edge.

"I have a proposition for you." He whispers.

I sit up in the dark without saying a word.

"Would you help me?" He asked.

"Help you with what?" I reply.

"Help me choose, lure, and feed from my victims?" He said, so nonchalant.

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