Chapter Twenty-Two: Wrong Bunk Sweetheart

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No surprise that I was having trouble sleeping. PTSD maybe. I woke up, unsure of what time it was, but still very exhausted. The bus was completely black, not even the glow of a cellphone. I prop myself up on my elbows and search with my hands for my Gatorade. I find it, wedged in between my bunk and the wall. I take a small drink. Shortly after this, I realize I don't remember the last time I went to the restroom, and I had to go. Still groggy and weak, I remove the covers and place my feet on the cold bus floor. I slowly stand and start to navigate my way to the bathroom through the dark. Arms fully outstretched in front of me, fingers feeling around for anything that I might run into. I hear a small click. I freeze. Holding my breath, I stand completely still and listen for anymore sounds. After a moment, I hear nothing. I decide I'm just a little jumpy after the incident, and I press on. I have to be nearing the bathroom by now, this bus isn't very big. My hands come in contact with the bathroom door, I open it as quietly as possible and slip inside. Once the door is shut behind me, I flip the light on. Eyes adjusting to the light, I take a glimpse in the mirror. I look awful. My hair is a mess and in knots, the bandage on my neck is half falling off, there's still blood on the collar of my shirt, and there's mascara caked under my eyes. I run a brush through my hair, and wash my face quickly. I need a shower, but I don't want to wake everyone. A shower can wait a couple more hours. Once I finish washing my face, I slowly pull the bandage off of my neck. I lean in closer to the mirror, examining the wound. Wait, there is no wound. How can that be? I graze the spot with my fingertips. There were clearly two holes there yesterday, and now there's nothing. Not even the smallest fleck. No proof of what I had endured.

Confused, and still feeling a little weak, I finish up in the bathroom and head back to bed. The walk back to bed was the same process as before. Arms completely outstretched, one foot in front of the other, slowly I make my way back to my bunk. I reach the bunk, and walk right up to it so that my shins are pressed up against the bed. Arms still outstretched, I lean down to grab my cover. I pull it back and turn to sit down. I sit, but instead of landing on my soft bunk, I land on something hard. I jump back up, unsure of what is in my bed.

"Wrong bunk, sweetheart." A familiar, yet scary voice said. How had I accidentally climbed into Remington's bunk instead of my own? I must really be out of it.

"Sorry." I whisper and begin to make my way further toward the front of the bus.

"Hey, you don't have to go. Are you going to be scared of me forever? Do I get a chance to apologize?" He quietly asked.

Apologize? He's fuckin crazy. Still a little scared of him, I turned back to face his bunk, even though I couldn't see anything.

"Please sit down, I promise I won't hurt you." He whispers. I feel his hand wrap around my wrist. I gasp.

"O-okay." I stutter.

I sit on the edge of the bunk. Remington had pushed his body all the way up against the wall, so I would have enough room.

"Harper.." He starts. He moves his hand from my wrist, to intertwine his fingers with mine. This gesture made me feel calm in a way. "I know there is nothing I can do to make up for the trauma I have caused you. But I am so incredibly sorry. I never meant to hurt you. I blacked out." His free hand found its way to our joined hands so that it was rubbing the back of mine. I was unsure of what to even say in this moment. Obviously a little scared, but still very much in love. I must be a psychopath.

All was quiet for a moment, until a sniffle broke the silence.

"Rem, are you crying?" I cautiously ask.

The only answer I received was another sniffle. Suddenly all my fear melted away and I felt so bad for him. Like he was the one with frickin holes in his neck. Clearly, im a psychopath. I reached my free hand out to his face. My fingertips found his cheek in the dark, wet with tears.

"I'm so sorry Harper." He mumbled between sobs. I removed my hand from his. Noticing this, he quickly says "please don't go."

"I'm not going anywhere." I assure him. I lay down next to him, timidly placing my head on his chest. Shaking with sobs, he wraps his arms around me.

"I love you. I'm so so sorry." He whispers into my hair.

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