Chapter Nine: Better Out Than In

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Remington's POV

I walked back to the bus still a little high from what just took place in the alley. I don't like what I do, or what I am, but the high is amazing. It's like nothing can touch me. I'm on top of the world.
It's pretty late, but there's no one at the bus when I get back. Except for Harper. She's asleep in her bunk, but she wakes up when I close the door behind me. She looks at me, then scoffs and rolls over so she is facing the wall. What the hell is her problem? I'm not going to let her ruin my mood. I turn on the tv and hit the couch. Sebastian and Emerson must be out partying or something. They will probably be back soon. We usually only party on the bus. They probably went to get drinks and girls. That is fine with me, I'm completely full now and I could use a regular drink.

"Could you turn that down? Some of us are trying to sleep." Says Harper, interrupting my thoughts.

"Yeah, sorry." I turn the volume down. "What's the matter with you anyways?" I ask.

"Nothing's the matter with me. Where is your girlfriend?" She snaps.

"My who?"

"I saw you leave with her after the show. You never talk about her. You could have introduced us."

"Oh! The little skinny girl? She is not my girlfriend. I don't even know her name, honestly." I chuckle.

She looks disgusted. "Oh, so just a one night stand then. You're back early."

"That's not it either. I didn't sleep with her."

"So what did you do? And where is she?" She asks, sitting up in bed.

"We just went for a short walk. She was a fan. And, uh.. she wasn't feeling well. So she went home. Sweet girl."

"Oh." Is all she says.

Harper needs to stop asking questions about things she doesn't want to know. She's lucky she didn't face the same fate as the girl tonight. I still can't figure that out. I had every intention of making sure Harper was mine after the show that night, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. Something was holding me back. I've never had that happen before. It's not that I didn't want to, I wanted to bite Harper more than anything in the world, but I just couldn't.

Harper's POV

Remington got all nervous when I asked about the girl he left with. Something doesn't add up. He says she wasn't his girlfriend. And I kinda believe him, because I've never heard about Remington having a girlfriend before. But I think he is lying about what they did after the show. He probably did sleep with her and just didn't want to tell me because it's really none of my business. Why do I even care? I'm lying in the bunk, thinking about my heart and why it is so stupid, when the door opens. It's just Sebastian and Emerson. The have a couple bottles of Gin. Emerson takes a seat next to Remington on the small couch and Sebastian sits at the small table across from my bunk. The 3 of them start talking with one another about the show and how great it was and how they were excited to get to the next city. I hear them, but I'm not really listening. I'm still wondering why in the world I have feelings for Remington. How stupid is that? I absolutely can't let it go on. I have to just forget about him. Apparently he's a slut anyways.

Emerson laughed. I looked up and Remington and Sebastian were staring at Emerson.

"What's funny?" Asked Remington.

"Nothing!" Emerson says, still chuckling. He looks up at me, and continues to hold back a laugh. I'm not in the mood for jokes. The best way to forget about Remington, and to get away from the awkward situation that Emerson is creating for me, is to go to sleep. So I roll over to face the wall and close my eyes.

I'm walking down the street. It's dark. Very dark. Just as I am passing an alley, I hear a shuffling sound. I look over and see a young girl lying on the ground, her hand outstretched toward me, and her eyes wide with fear. Against my better judgment, I enter the alley. She needs help. I am walking toward her when another arm reaches out of the dark and grabs the young girls hand and pulls it back in. The girl let's out a whimper and turns to face her attacker. The thing notices my presence, and snaps it's head in my direction. It's eyes, like black holes, stare at me from the shadows. I notice something on the arm of the attacker. A smearing of blood? No, a tattoo. A Harry Potter dark mark tattoo. I let out a scream.

I wake up with a jolt and find Emerson on my bunk, his hands on my shoulders. I look at him.

"You we're having a nightmare, I was trying to wake you." He explains as he removes his hands. "What was your nightmare about?" He asks.

"Nothing." I reply.

"Okay. You don't have to talk about it." He says. "I understand. But, I find it helps to let things out. Honesty is the best policy. Better out than in. Ya know?"

I laugh. "'Better out than in' is a metaphor for farts! Not feelings!" I say in between laughs.

"It still applies to the situation!" He says, laughing too. "You should let your feelings out." He says, serious now. "It's not good to keep things bottled up. Plus, you never know what might happen when you do say how you feel."

"I don't think we are talking about my dream anymore.." I say.

"I know how you feel about Remington." He says.

This startled me. I look at him. And I try to deny it, but I am unable to form sentences. How did he know?

"You think about him non stop." He says.

"I do not!" I object. "Wait, how do you know what I think?"

"I can read minds." He laughs. "Weird, I know. I trust you won't tell anyone."

"Now you're just messing with me." I say. As I playfully push him.

"If you don't believe me, let's test it. Think of something obscure and I will tell you what it is."

The first thing that pops into my brain, is my cat I had when I was little.

Emerson stands up and looks down at me. "Shadow is a very cute name for a cat." He says with a smile on his face. My jaw drops. "Tell Remington how you feel." He says as he walks to the back of the bus, enters the small bathroom, and leaves me in the dark.

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