Chapter Ten: A Hunk

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I wake up the next morning still reeling from the bomb that Emerson dropped on me last night. What the hell? Reading minds isn't a real thing. That's not possible. But how did he know I was thinking about my cat? Lucky guess? I don't think I've ever talked about Shadow before..

I'm laying on my bunk lost in thought. From somewhere in the back of the bus, Remington emerges.

"Morning Grumpy." He says.

I scrunch up my nose. "I am not grumpy!" I protest. As Remington walks down the short hall from the bathroom to the couch, he passes by my bunk and I notice he has no shirt on. Just sweatpants. I blush and look away.

"You seemed pretty grumpy last night about that girl I left the show with." He replies with a sly grin on his face.

Oh, so now he's going to tease me. Did he just see me blush? Did Emerson say something to him about how I feel? I don't think Emerson would be the type of person to do that.. but then again, I didn't think he could read minds either. I wonder if anyone else knows about his hidden talent?

"I was not grumpy about that. You're a grown man. You can do what you want. I was grumpy because you woke me up at 2 AM blaring The Office." I told him.

He grabbed a jar of Nutella out of the cabinet and sat on the couch. "Whatever. If you have a problem with me leaving with other girls just say so." Then he laughs.

I blush. He's only teasing. But is it because he knows how I feel? Or is this just a topic he decided to use today to pester me? I didn't say anything.

"I'm only teasing Harp. I know you don't care who I leave with." He says as he places a huge amount of Nutella into his mouth via his finger.

"You really shouldn't use your finger to eat with. That's nasty." I tell him, trying to change the subject.

"I'm the only one who eats Nutella around here anyways. Not because I'm the only one who likes it, but because I don't share." He smiles and eats another finger full of the chocolate spread.

Sebastian enters the bus after his morning run.

"Morning everyone!" He says.

Remington says good morning with a mouthful of Nutella and I answer with a grunt. Sebastian heads off to the bathroom.
"Well I should probably get dressed. I think sound check is in like 30 minutes." Remington stands and starts to walk back to where he stashes his duffel bag to retrieve his clothes. I try not to look at his torso, but I also try not to be obvious that I'm trying not to look at his torso. And I still blush like crazy. Of course, my luck, Remington notices my red cheeks.

"Are you blushing?" He says, laughing. "Why are you blushing? I was only teasing earlier."
He stops and sits on my bunk. I look up at him and his angelic bone structure and the blushing only intensifies.

"Right, I know you were teasing. But you should like, put some clothes on." I stumble over my words like an idiot.

He laughs. "Oh. You like what you see and that's why you're blushing!" He stands up. "Well don't worry sweetheart I'll put a shirt on. And I won't tell anyone you think I'm a hunk." He laughs and continues on to his clothes.

I'm blushing so hard my cheeks feel like they're on fire. I put the pillow over my face and try to suffocate all of the embarrassment out of my system.

"What's so funny?" Emerson asks in his sleepy voice. I can tell he just woke up.

"Oh nothing." Remington says in passing, still chuckling. "Just something Harper did."

I can feel Emerson looking at me. I lift the pillow from my face and give him a look. A look that says 'I haven't told him how I feel, and I'm embarrassed and scared that he's gonna find out'.

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