Chapter Twenty-Four: The Past and Future are Illusions

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The next few weeks went on as normal. Sleep. Soundcheck. Eat. Show. Sleep. With the occasional day off here and there for some relaxation and sight seeing. The only thing I have been slightly worried about, is Remington hasn't had any of my blood since that first time. He has been acting normal, so he has to be consuming blood in some capacity, but it hasn't been mine. I offer it to him every couple of days, but he always declines. He says he doesn't want to hurt me again. And the last time he had my blood, I didn't play fair. His words, not mine. So now, our kisses are no more than pecks. And I'm left wondering, where is he getting his nutrients? Has he gone back to eating fans? Or animals? I needed to know.

Remington seems to be getting along with his brothers as well. Things are back to normal with him and Emerson. Sebastian seems to be coming around, but it is taking a little while longer. Ive been thinking about Sebastian. If Remington is a Vampire, and Emerson can read minds, what can Sebastian do? I've never seen any supernatural qualities about him. Maybe just impeccable taste in suits, gin, and guitars. And he is completely clueless about Emerson.

I think Emerson can see, in Remingtons mind, his side of things. Emerson knows Rem didn't mean to hurt me, Em sees the way he loves me. And Em is probably more open to the rarity that is his brother, because he himself can see into people's thoughts. Sebastian just doesn't have that frame of reference.

Currently sitting in an Uber on our way to see Mt. Rushmore, is where I have these thoughts. I'm lost in thought when the Uber rolls to a stop and the boys get out, Remington taking my hand and pulling me behind him. He has a small backpack on, with a skateboard in his other hand. He's wearing red plaid pants, with suspenders and a grey top. My thoughts stray to how nice he looks today, and then I realize he's trying to get my attention.

"Hello... Earth to Harper." He says while waving his hand in my face.

"Wha-" I blink a few times and focus on his face. He looks amused.

"What's going on in that cute little head of yours today?" He asks. "You've been so distant."

"I've just got a lot to think about." I answer, taking his hand and starting the walk up to the monument.

"Like what?" He questions.

I stop walking and turn to face him. "Like, what have you been eating?" I whisper.

"Oh." Is all he says. He continues to walk.

"'Oh'? That's all I get?" I ask, slightly jogging to catch up with him and his long legs.

"What else do you want me to say? It's nothing to be worried about Harp." He tells me.

It very well is something to be worried about. But I drop the subject, as we are coming up to the clearing at the foot of the monument where the other boys are sitting sipping champagne.
What an odd thing to bring to Mt. Rushmore. I think to myself. Remington goes to look more closely at the monument and I go and take a seat next to Emerson. He is quietly drawing in his sketchbook, every now and then taking a sip of champagne. He looks up at my troubled expression as I sit down.

"What's on your mind?" He smirks.

"Very funny." I push him slightly. "Can't you already see what's on my mind anyways?"

"Only if I try. Thankfully, I don't hear every thought that goes through everyone's head at all times. Could you imagine how maddening that would be? I can only read a person when I focus on reading them." He tells me.

"Oh. Well, I was thinking about Remington. And his dietary habits." I say.
He looks up and closes his sketchbook.

"What about it? Did he hurt you?" He asks worriedly.

"No. But he has been acting pretty normal recently. Which makes me wonder if he's back to drinking the blood of fans. And when I ask him about it, he blows it off." I pull at a stray thread on my pants.

"I'm sure he has it under control."

"You're okay with him hurting people?" I'm shocked.

"No. Not in the slightest. But you have no proof of that being the case. Trust him, Harper. There is no need to worry. The past and future are illusions, they do not exist. There is only this moment. And do you really want to spend it worrying?" He takes my hand and squeezes it, giving me a reassuring smile.

"I guess you're right." I smile back at him.


We finish up at the monument and head back to our Uber. The driver was nice enough to wait there for us while we were sight seeing, so Sebastian put her on the guest list for the show tonight.

We make it back to the venue, and hang out in the dressing room for a few minutes. We make plans for a great show, and then to go out for some Waffle House afterwards, just like old times.
It's almost showtime, and Remington is doing his vocal warmups. Emerson is drumming lightly on the side of the beat up couch that resides in the room. When it's time for the boys to go on stage, I follow them. But I stop short just shy of the stage. Side stage is my home almost every night, and I really enjoy it. Watching the boys perform never gets old. And all of the fans are so sweet. Soldiers of the Royal Council, I think is what they're called.

After the show, we all gather back in the dressing room. Except for Remington. I figure he's probably meeting some fans or something. Everyone else heads down the street to the Waffle House. I tell them I'm going to wait for Rem and that we would be there shortly. But he never showed. Where the heck did he go? After waiting for a few minutes, and checking the venue to no avail, I decide to go to the restaurant. Maybe he went out the front and everyone is waiting on me. When I make it to the small establishment, all the guys are gathered around 2 tables, Remington is not with them. My stomach does flips.

"Where's Rem?" Daniel asks me.

"I don't know. I can't find him. I thought he might be here."

"I'm sure he's okay. Let's eat. I'm starving." Sebastian says. I sit across from him in the small booth, but can't shake the feeling that something bad is happening right now.

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