Chapter Eight: A Pretty Brunette

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Remington and I stayed up late watching The Office on the small tv in the bus. Sebastian and Emerson were already asleep and I was about to follow suit. Remington didn't seem tired at all. I stared at him in secret and thought about that as my eyes grew heavy and I drifted off to sleep.

I woke up in Remington's bunk on the bus. I sat up to see Emerson doodling something and Sebastian sitting next to him playing something on his guitar. Remington was nowhere to be found.

"Good morning Harper!" Emerson said as I sat up.

"Morning." I stood up and faced them. I felt a presence behind me. I went to turn around to see who it was, but I couldn't move. The atmosphere had suddenly changed from lighthearted to frightening. I felt their breath on the back of my neck and it sent chills through my body. "Who is standing behind me?" I asked Sebastian and Emerson with fear in my voice. I felt two hands grab my shoulders. I couldn't even look down. I couldn't move at all. "Guys, help me. I can't move!" I shouted. Sebastian and Emerson looked up at me and smiled. And that's how they sat. They stared at me and grinned like idiots while I was screaming. Tears started streaming down my face. The hands held tighter to my shoulders and started to pull me backwards into the shadows of the hallway. I felt the breath even closer on my neck. I let out one last scream before I felt the bite.

Remington's POV

Everyone had fallen asleep, except for me of course. Well Harper was still awake, but not for much longer. We were watching The Office and I could tell she was getting sleepy because she stopped laughing at Michaels jokes. I could feel her staring at me. Let her stare, I don't care. I kept my eyes on the tv. Another episode had passed and the opening sequence started again. I heard something that sounded like... crying? Or whimpering? I look over at Harper who is fast asleep but seems to be having a nightmare. She is tossing and turning and her hands are balled into fists. I let it go on for a few minutes until finally I feel bad for her and decide to try and wake her. I make my way over to the bunk and sit down next to her. My god she smells good. And her heart is beating so fast. I can hear it. I hold my breath and grab her by the shoulders. I give her a small shake. "Harper! Wake up! You're dreaming!" She thrashed some more and mumbled something about not being able to move...? I shook her again, a little harder this time. "Harper! Wake up!" Tears we're streaming down her face now. Poor girl is scared out of her mind. I shook her one last time. "Harper!" She sat straight up and screamed. Well, she's awake. She looked at me and immediately pulled me into a hug while she was sobbing. I froze and held my breath. I could feel her heartbeat against my chest. She smelled so delightful. Suddenly she released me and said "oh my god Remington I'm so sorry!" She looked up at me with her bright blue eyes. I began to breathe again- big mistake. Because of the hug I was even closer to her and her smell was overpowering. Her heartbeat was like a pounding drum in my ears. I locked eyes with her, and leaned in a little closer so that our faces were almost touching. I'm not sure if I can contain myself. She closed her eyes and brought her face closer to mine. Oh, she thinks I'm going to kiss her. No no, my dear. I definitely don't have enough self control for that. I pulled back in a rush and threw myself off of the bunk. She looked at me, confusion and hurt in her face. "I'm sorry. This can't happen." I tell her. And I turn back to the couch and sit. I turn my gaze to the tv and continue to watch The Office.

Harpers POV

What the hell was that? I had an awful nightmare only to be woken up by Remington who was extremely close to me. He stared into my eyes and brought his face closer. Stupid me thought he wanted to kiss me. So what do I do? I raise my face up to his, and he freaks. I totally ruin everything. I don't know what was going through his brain, but I'm sure he wasn't thinking about kissing me. I'm such an idiot. I blush just thinking about it. A few moments has passed and no one has said a word. It's about 5 in the morning and everyone is asleep. He is still sitting on the couch watching tv and I can't go back to sleep after my nightmare and what just happened between Remington and I. We sit in silence until..

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