Chapter Four: A Trip, Over Nothing

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It had been a few days since I went to the Palaye show. I can't stop thinking about Remington. He was drunk that night. That's the conclusion that I had come to. Him giving me his number and kissing my cheek was just the alcohol talking. No one likes me, especially not a rock star. I'm just a nobody. A girl living paycheck to paycheck, working at a shitty diner to pay for her shitty apartment. I decided I'm not going to call Remington. He probably doesn't even remember giving me his phone number.

I go to work just like any other day and clock in. It's a pretty busy day. The diner is crowded with people and we are short handed. I throw my apron on and start to take orders.
Once it's almost time for my lunch break, we had slowed down a little. I'm exhausted and I'm barely staying awake, plus my boss is in a terrible mood. The bell above the door rings and I look up to see a young man walk in and go to the booth in the back. I sleepily follow him with my notepad and pen.

"Hi, I'm Harper and I'll be your.."

"Hi Harper."

I know that voice. Finally I actually wake up and pay attention to the person sitting in front of me. It's Remington, smiling up at me. He's wearing a white v neck T-shirt, Black skinny pants and white high top sneakers, along with his many necklaces and rings. His hair is spiked up like usual, but there is no stage makeup. His eyes are the same brown I remember from that night, but they're softer now somehow.

"Oh. Uhm.. Hi Remington." I stammer. This is so awkward.

"How is your day going? No offense, but you look exhausted. Have you had a break yet? Sit with me." He says, motioning to the seat across from him. Why does he care? I'm a nobody. And why is he still in town? And where are Emerson and Sebastian?

"Uhm. Sorry, I can't. My boss is in a terrible mood and we are really busy." I apologize. We weren't really all that busy anymore, but the thought of sitting across from Remington in a secluded booth, gave me the shakes.

"Harper! What the hell are you doing?! Stop flirting and get over here and get these orders out!" My boss screamed from the kitchen.

"Shit." I mutter. "Can I get you something, Remington?"

"Jeeze. What a jerk. Some water would be nice while I look at the menu." He smiles at me.

I scurry off to the kitchen to get his water and the food that is waiting to go out. I deliver his water along with a couple plates of food for a table a few down from Remington's. I have one plate of food left to deliver to a booth across the diner. On my way to the booth I trip- over nothing, like always- and fall to my knees. I spill the food all over the floor and the plate shatters. My cheeks are on fire as Remington rushes to my side.

"Oh my god, Harper! Are you okay?" He helps me up off of the floor.

"I'm okay." I mutter. I can't look at him. I'm so embarrassed.

"Harper you clumsy broad! You've messed up for the last time!" My boss screams. "Get out of my restaurant! I'll mail you your last check!"

"But I need this job!" I yell back. "I'm sorry! It won't happen again!"

But he's not listening to me anymore. He is on the phone calling in someone to cover my shift until he finds my replacement. What am I going to do? How am I going to pay rent? I'm already behind, and my landlord is threatening to evict. Now that I have no job, he will definitely kick me out. A tear slowly glides down my cheek and I squeeze my eyes shut. I take my apron off and lay it on the counter.

"Hey fuck you man! You can't treat people like that!" Remington yells. He grabs my hand an leads me out of the diner and into the sun.

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