Chapter Fourteen: A Vampire

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Remington is banging on the bathroom door now.
"Harper, please come out." He begs, his voice catching in his throat. "Let's talk. Tell me what's wrong." He pleads. I'm sitting on the floor with my back against the door. I'm being ridiculous. It was just a dream after all, but it all seemed so real. I've been having quite a few bad dreams recently that all seem to have things in common. Remington has been in a couple, I think. And black eyes is a common thing as well. What does all of this mean? Anything? Are they just dreams, or is my subconscious trying to tell me something? Trying to warn me of something? I throw my head into my hands. This is so stupid. I'm being crazy. I stand up, and open the door. Remington falls into the room. Apparently he had been sitting the same way, on the floor with his back against the door. He scrambles to his feet. He holds his hands up, palms out in a 'I surrender' type of way. He is looking at me like I might freak out at any second.
"I'm okay." I tell him. "Just a bad dream."
He looks at me. "Go on..." He says.
"I'm not sure I want to tell you." I walk to my bunk and sit down. Remington sits at the small table across from my bunk.
"Well the dream involved me in some way, correct?" He asks.
"Yes. I had a nightmare about you."
"Well then I think I have the right to know." He says with a smirk.
"Fine. I will tell you. But if you make fun of me, in any way, I'll stop telling you about it and won't tell you anything ever again." I look at him sternly.
"I promise." He says, holding up 3 fingers, a scouts honor.
I sit cross legged on the bunk, facing him.
"I had a dream, and I think you killed someone." I say quietly, feeling stupid.
He goes pale. "What do you mean?" He asks.
"Well you and a young woman were in the room and it looked like you kissed her neck, and then she fell limp. I was yelling at you to stop whatever you were doing, and you dropped her to the ground and came after me." I was looking down at my hands, fidgeting in my lap.
"So like a vampire." He says.
"A vampire. You know: bite the neck, suck the blood?" He says.
"Yeah, I know what a vampire is. But where would I have gotten that idea?"
"I don't know Harp. But either way, there's nothing to be afraid of. I would never hurt you. Ever. You're on of the most important things in my life." He says.

Remington's POV
"-you're one of the most important things in my life." I tell her, turning on the charm. I know I can make her believe me. I know I can make her feel safe, feel like she can trust me. And what I said is true. I would never want to hurt Harper. I hope I'm never put in a position where it is unavoidable. I also didn't deny the whole vampire thing. I get the feeling I'm going to have to tell her, sooner or later. I don't know how, but she's catching on. How does she know these things? And how do I go about telling her, without freaking her out?
"Yeah, I'm just being stupid." She says. " it was only a dream." She scoots over so there is room for me on her bunk as well.
"Sorry sweetheart, but I have an errand I have to run. I'll be back shortly." I take her hand and bring it to my lips, planting a gentle kiss on her knuckles. She blushes. She is so beautiful. I grab my jacket, and exit the bus. Heading down the street, to find a drink.

Harper's POV

The way he called me sweetheart and kissed my hand, gave me chills. I've got to escape this dream. It was just a dream, I keep telling myself. Remington leaves the bus and I watch him from the window walk down the sidewalk. I lay back on my bunk, and for a while I just read a book. It's been about 30 minutes or so since Rem left. Emerson is in the shower and Sebastian had some sort of meeting? I honestly think it was a date. I'm starting to get hungry. I slip on my shoes and head out to find something to eat. I find a McDonald's around the corner. Not the healthiest option, but certainly the cheapest. I'm about to walk in the door when I see a familiar figure at the end of the street. My eyesight isn't the best, but is that Remington? I walk a little closer, hiding in the doorway of a coffee shop. That is Remington. He's standing on the street corner, talking to a young blonde woman. She's giggling. What is going on here? I'm feeling a little hurt. Are Rem and I official? Do I have a right to be upset? I think him declaring his love to me mid song makes us pretty official. They walk around the corner. Against my better judgment, I follow them making sure to keep my distance. I want to see where this goes. I follow them for about a block, when they enter into an apartment building. I follow behind them, but by the time I reach the door, I've lost them. Which way did they go? I take the first hallway to my right, being careful to be quiet. I get to about the middle of the hall, when I hear Remington's voice coming from the end I'm walking towards. Crap! I lunge into the first room I come to, and run to the corner, hiding in the shadows. Shadows are about the only place I can hide. This room is completely empty. Except for a window to my right, letting in the light from the sunset. This seems familiar. DejaVu? Remington enters the room, and I think he looks right at me, but he doesn't react to my presence. He turns around to face the door, and the young woman enters. It's the girl from my dream! This can't be happening. 'I don't even know your name, why am I alone with you?' She asks. Oh my gosh, this is not happening. I must be dreaming again. I pinch my arm, because people do that in these situations. Right? It hurts, but nothing happens. 'Don't worry about that sweetheart.' Rem answers her. He leans in as if to kiss her, and I know what's going to happen next. I cover my eyes with my hands. I hear the woman gasp. Then all is silent.

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