Chapter Twenty-Three: Drink From Me

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"What the hell is this?"

I wake up to someone yelling at me. My head, still on Remingtons chest, lifts up to address the person. It was Seb.

"Hello?!" He yelled. "What are you doing Harper? He totally was chomping on your neck 2 nights ago and now you're all cuddly?" He was still yelling and flailing his arms like a cartoon character.

I look at Seb, then turn to face Remington. He just stares at me, lovingly and apologetically. I turn back to Seb.

"He apologized. He lost himself for a minute. It won't happen again." I tell him.

"Oh yeah. Okay. You actually believe that shit?! Whatever. It's your funeral." He storms out of the bus with his phone and headphones in hand, clearly going for his morning run.

I turn back to Rem and he gives me a small smile.

"I don't know how you could ever forgive me.." he looked everywhere but at me.

"Um. I mean, I guess I forgive you. What happened is not okay. And I'm definitely not over it. I almost died. But it wasn't entirely your fault." He finally looked at me, puzzled.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"I mean, the only reason you snapped was because you were consuming only animal blood. And the only reason you were on animal blood was because of me. So that makes it my fault too."

"That is so not true Harper. It is in no way your fault. That's crazy. I should have consumed more animal blood. It's not as filling as human blood. And then after the show, I was so tired and extra thirsty. I lost it with some girl and I ended up draining her, and then I caught a whiff of you and it was all over from there. I completely blacked out. You're what I want most, in my human mind and my vampire mind."

At this point I was shaking. Remembering that night freaks me out. I laid my head back on his chest and tried to breathe deep.

"Oh my god. I'm sorry." He said, wrapping his arms around me. "I didn't mean to scare you. It's okay, I promise." He whispered to me and gave me a squeeze. "God I'm such a fuck up.." he whispered to himself.

He said it's okay. And I believe him.


I must have passed out again. Because I woke up again to Remington shaking me.

"Harp." Shake. "Haarrpperr" shake.

I groan and look up at him. "What?"

"I'm sorry. I hate to wake you, but I really need to move. Or you need to move. Or something."

Again, he wasn't looking at me. He wasn't breathing either.

"You're not breathing." I said flatly.

"Yeah. I know. I don't have to breathe. I don't have to sleep either. I don't remember the last time I slept. But my body naturally breathes, unless I physically stop it."

He said all of that very fast and left my head spinning. He doesn't sleep? Now that I think back on it, I've never seen Remington asleep. I was lost in thought, trying to think back to a time when Remington was sleeping. I was failing, and he shook me again.

"Please Harp. I love you, and your cuddles are great. But please at least sit up." He nudged me with his shoulder. I sat up and faced him, Looking down at his face as he lay there. He seemed a little relieved when I sat up.

"You're still not breathing." I point out.

"I'm aware. And I'm not going to breathe until I'm a little further away from you. But no rush. Like I said, I don't have to breathe. I can hold it for a while, as long as I'm focused on holding it." He gave me a soft smile.

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