Chapter Fifteen: Because I Love You

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Will the rest of my nightmare become a reality? I really don't want to find out. With my shaky hands still covering my eyes, I sink to the floor.

Remington's POV

When I'm 'feeding' , if that's what you call it, I have a very hard time controlling myself. As do all vampires, I assume. I sort of loose myself in the moment. It takes me so high that sometimes it takes a while to come down. That's how it has always been.  But not today. Today was different.

I lured this blonde into an old apartment building. It was in kind of a rough neighborhood. The building was falling apart. We went inside to explore a little bit. She was babbling on about something that I didn't care about. I just needed to get her to a secluded location. It's all too easy for me. My looks seem to help a lot, but the ability I have to take away peoples senses, makes my life very easy. I can be very charming when I need to be. I grab the blonde by the hand and pull her into an empty room. She says something about my name, but I can barely hear her. I'm too focused on the beating of her heart in my ears, the rushing of her blood. I tell her not to worry, and then I take her sight from her. I lean into her neck, and then all goes black for me. That's how things usually go. Everything seems normal, until I hear a sound in the corner of the room. I drop the blonde to the floor, and I listen very intently. My vision is still fuzzy from the high, but I can hear just fine. There is someone else in this room. I hear their labored breathing. There's someone here, and they're scared. Seems easy. Now I have dessert. I lift my face to the ceiling and take a huge breath in through my nose, taking in every scent in the room. There's dust, and mold, but also an oddly sweet yet familiar smell. An intoxicating smell that fills me with desire for the thing that can create such a smell. It's coming from the corner behind me. My vision is getting clearer now, I turn to face the corner. There is a young woman sitting in the corner with her face in her hands. As I get closer, I realize why the smell is familiar to me.
'Harper, you smell so nice.' I say.
She lifts her head to look at me, her eyes wide with fear. If I had a heart, it would be broken in this moment. She is so terrified. As she should be, I'm a monster.

'Don't come any closer!' She yells. She throws her hand out in a 'Stop' like motion.
That action, caused a gust of her scent to hit my face. I could feel my eyes go black. My vision is fuzzy.

'Harp. Baby I'm not gonna hurt you. Just please don't make sudden movements like that.' I tell her. I start to back away from her until I'm comfortable with the distance. I need to come down from this high before I get too close to her. Once my senses relax, I'll be fine. Because I am full. But right now, I'm in hunt mode and I don't want to have any accidents. I go to the opposite corner of the room and sit, facing her. She looks at me. Shocked.

'Why aren't you killing me right now?' She asked.

I laugh. 'Well, there are multiple reasons. The first reason, i'm not really sure why it happens. But I can't bring myself to hurt you. I physically can't. The other reasons being: I'm full, I'm far enough away to where I can't smell you anymore, and because I love you.' If I could blush, it would be happening right now. Did I just say that?

Harpers POV

Did he just say that? My heart flutters. Rem smiles, almost as if he knew my heart reacted to his words. How can I be so scared of something, but so in love with it at the same time? I don't respond to those words, but instead ask a question. "What do you mean 'you cant physically hurt me'? I ask.

'I don't know.' He says. 'I guess since you know my big secret now, I might as well tell you everything. That first night at the concert, I had every intention of you being my meal. I took away your senses during the show, and had plans to find you afterwards. But you passed out. I saved you from the crowd, thinking I would just have you after you woke back up. I was so empty, that I was ravenous. But holding you in my arms, every plan I had melted away. I was still very hungry. But I no longer wanted to kill you. You were so important in my heart for some reason. I still can't explain it.'

I didn't know what the hell to say to that. It was sweet. How did I think it was sweet? He wanted to kill me! I seriously am crazy. I'm bonkers. That's the only explanation for this. I'm bat shit fuckin crazy.

I shake my head.

'It's getting dark.' is all I can choke out.

'Yeah, let's head back to the bus.' Rem replies. He stands up and waits for me to do the same. I'm reluctant.

'Harp, I promise I'm not going to hurt you. I would have done so already if I had that intention. Please let me walk you back.' He says, extending his hand. I stand up and head for the door, completely ignoring his hand. It falls back to his side, and he follows me out of the building.

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