Chapter Six: A Scream with no Sound

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I can't feel anything, I can't hear anything. My body is numb. But I still have my sight. It's dark in this room as I glance around nervously— I'm not alone. I stand with my back pressed against the wall in the corner. I see a shadow move on the opposite wall. "Who's there?!" I yell. At least, I think that's what I said. I can't hear myself. My heart is racing as I see the shadow again, moving down along the wall making its way around the room. Tears come to my eyes as I realize, I am going to die. I try to move away from the shadow, but I am paralyzed. Whether I am paralyzed with fear, or this thing has control over me, I don't know, but it is getting closer. It is inching closer and closer to me. There is one window in the room, letting in a sliver of moonlight through its curtains. The shadow passes in front of it, blocking the light out completely for a moment. I catch a glimpse of the monster. It has black eyes, and two sharp fangs. I let out a scream that I cannot hear as it closes in on me.

I sit straight up in my bed, grabbing at my chest. My heart feels like it might explode and I am covered in sweat. I look at the clock, 11:32AM. I pull myself out of bed and head for the bathroom. I look at myself in the mirror. My hair is a mess and I have huge dark bags under both eyes. I brush my teeth and try to do something with my hair. I put a little concealer on the circles and head to my closet to get dressed. I find what I want to wear and pull it out of the closet.

Once dressed, I head to the couch and start to look for jobs online. It seems like I spend forever looking for something. The only ones I can find are ones that require a degree, or ones that I don't really want to do— like stripper. I look for a few hours and put in some applications at other restaurants, and one at a coffee shop. My stomach growls. I look up and see the sun is already starting to set outside my window. I grab my purse and head for the door. There is a small convenience store down the street I could get a snack at. I lock the door behind me and head down the stairs. It's a nice evening and I decide to walk the short distance instead of driving. I make it to the store about twenty minutes later and pick out a small snack and a bottle of water. I pay the man at the counter and say Thank You and start the journey back home. At this point, the sun has completely set and the street is dark. I walk a little faster. I hear footsteps behind me, and my heart starts to beat at an unhealthy pace. Do I dare glance over my shoulder? I push my legs to move even faster and again, I hear the sound behind me. I turn around for just a second, but see nothing. I turn back to the front and I can see my apartment building in the distance. At this point I am very afraid of who— or what— is behind me. So I decide to run the rest of the way. I make it to the stairs and take them two at a time. I reach my door to find an eviction notice taped just above the door knob. Great. I fumble with my keys, and drop them. It takes me a second to find them in the dark. I keep glancing behind me but I never see anything. I shove the key in the lock and turn it. The tumblers give way and the door opens. I slip inside and turn around to shut the door. I take one more look around outside and I think I see one of the bushes move down by the street. I focus on it as I slowly close the door. What I see next, terrifies me and brings me back to my dream from earlier. A pair of sparkling black eyes staring up at me from behind the bush. I gasp and slam the door shut, locking the deadbolt.

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