Let's have a BBQ in a hospital

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"It's Thom!" Mike pleaded Hayley to believe him but she refused to listen. "No it is not Thom! Why would it be him. He adores Brooke. Why lock her up?!"
"So he could save her!!! When he walked in James went into cardiac arrest. He didn't want James to know it was him but then James saw his face and he had to kill him!" Mike defended his pleas like a madman.
"Mike, last time it was Zach. Who's gonna be next Brooke?!"
Speak of the devil.
The squeaking of gym shoes sounded and a brown haired figure practically flew from around the corner.
Brooke came barging in panting from running through the hospital hallways.
She pointed behind her and tried to say something.
"Thom, He- He... Ehm. He had a-a knife and he..."
Hayley flew out of her seat to rub Brooke's back. The girl swallowed and tried again to speak:" Thom, I saw him lurking around in the halls and he had a knife. I think he is the traitor and the one who put James into his coma."
"YES! I knew I was right!" Mike joyfully exclaimed.
"Mike!" Hayley yelled.
"Oh. Sorry." He said.
"What do we do?!" Brooke asked panicked. "We should lock the door for a starter," Hayley who was obviously the one keeping her head cool in these heated situations came with the start of a plan.
"This is a hospital. We can't lock the door," she ruined her own hypothesis immediately after she had drafted her idea.
"Damnit!" She cursed.
"A chair. We should put a chair in front of the door," She rambled on and looked up the see her friends watching her internal struggle to find a proper way to keep Thom out.
"Wait, What about Bert, Veronique and Petra? There in the hospital as well?" Mike asked.
"I don't think Thoms focus is on them right now," Hayley answered.
A rumble of thunder vibrated in a scary anticipation of what was to come.
Hayley who had noticed the storm increasing counted and  calculated that the flashes were becoming dangerously close.
Before the first knock on the door had sounded a flash hid the building.
The lightning had hid.
Glass shattered all around the group, the devices attached to James went nuts and the building shook. Hayley pushed a screaming Brooke to the ground next to Mike who had lost his balance and looked like a turtle on his back. She quickly leaped over to James who had fallen out of his bed.
She felt horrible for not caching him but when she walked around the bed she noticed he had caught himself.
He looked utterly confused and she ducked grabbing him by the arm to hide under the bed. He probably had an electric shot from his heart monitor causing him to wake up. As Hayley looked over she saw he was steaming.
Jesus Christ.
As a well raised Christian Hayley started to pray. Mumbling the Ave Maria in Latin, her prayers obviously weren't heard 'cause as if it wasn't enough the lightning hid again.  Luckily not on the same spot as that wasn't possible. Unfortunately the flash hid the nearby woods and split a tree. The Probably two hundred year old colossus fell on the west wing. Although it was a few hallway away from them they still felt the effects of the tragedy. Wires detached from the sealing and dangled around, still filled with power.
It was a death trap.
Suddenly James turned to her and said:" Listen to me. It's Thom. If I don't make it out, it was Thom. He is the traitor who sold up out to the police. Ok?"
"James! We'll all get out of here. Now get on those shaky  legs. You have napped long enough."
She grabbed his hand and dragged him out of the room, zig zagging between the wires. The barricade they had made themselves was now trapping them inside.
"God damnit!" She cursed.
Well let's just say God surely listened to that. Suddenly the door burst open and Bert came in.
"Oh gosh!"
"Oh dear!"
When Bert heard that sound his eyes went from the ruined room to his best friend.
Hayley pushed James forward. James who still wasn't steady on his feet fell right into Berts arms.
Hayley turned around and risked her life once again to enter the room to get the rest of her friends out.
Brooke was heaving a panic attack and was swinging back and forth in a corner. Hayley picked her up and she still remain in her rolled up position. Hayley handed her to Petra who was standing in the doorframe. Even though the girl was small Brooke still weighed a few pounds. Petra was a very short girl but still managed to stay on her feet under the weight of Brooke. Hayley respected that.
She turned around and faced the room one last time. Getting Mike out of the room proved to be a lot more difficult then taking Brooke out. His full weight was being supported by her but eventually they pulled through. Veronique was standing ready in the doorway to catch him but all Hayley could think was: over my dead body bitch. He's mine.
She dragged Mike through the doorway. They all got out of the hospital.
James leaning on Bert.
Thom was carrying Brooke bridal style.
Hayley didn't leave them out of her eyesight keeping tabs on her friend. She wasn't exactly fond of this but knew damn well his force was needed.
Veronique and her were carrying Mike who was totally disoriented by the bang.
The seven got away as far as they could and then crashed against a brick wall a few meters from the building.
The seven of them were lined up perfectly. Defeated and in awe.
All were panting and looking at the woods just  meter away from them. Although their eyes were locked with the somehow calming image of the dark threes that was not really what they saw as in their heads they were repeating the traumatic events from just minutes ago.
Mike was regaining his balance and Brooke calmed down.
"So James, your awake. Do you remember anything?" Thom asked breaking the peaceful aura surrounding them.
Of course. Hayley had almost forgotten their biggest foe was among them. He was the wolf in the hen house.
"Nope that day is just one black space." James answered.
Hayley immediately realised the game he was playing. He had taken a page from the book of Leopold from Versailles. Keep your friend close but keep your enemies closer.
"Oh that's unfortunate," Thoms voice sounded. This was going to be an interesting game.

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