Game Player?

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Monday all ready?

I wake up, take a shower, put on deodorant, brush my teeth and my hair and then put clothes on. I'm wearing a robe, of course.

My mom is in the kitchen cooking breakfast and my dad is getting ready for work.

I change into a cute outfit.

Adidas, long sleeve pink shirt with high waisted black jeans.

I apply some light makeup and spray some Twilight Mist on me.

I eat my scrambled eggs, bacon, pancakes, biscuits, and a glass of orange juice.

After that I walk to school.

When I get there all my friends are crowded around each other in a circle.

"Hey, what's going on?" I ask them.

They pull me in the circle with them. All of then talking over each other but Chloe talks to me "You know the new boy, Asher?"

"Umm yeah," I say.

"Well, rumors have flew and they all say that he's a heartbreaker," she says.

"What? How do they know that?"

"A girl who goes here told all her friends that she wanted a relationship and then he got all mad and ended it with her," she says to me.

"That still doesn't really prove-" she cut me off.

"Don't talk to him again. He's no good. He's a game player. A bad boy and we don't deserve to be played," she says proudly.

"Okay Chloe, I'll catch you later," I say trying to walk into the school.

She grabs my arm "Remember what I said," she reminds me.

"I know," I say.

I walk to my locker to see Asher right behind my locker.

He's staring right at me "Can I help you?" I ask.

"Yeah, my zippers stuck. Mind getting down there and-" I instantly cut him off.

"I don't know who you think you are but I'm not your dog," I sass.

"I'm the person who's bed your gonna end up in baby doll," he says, his eyes burning holes into me as I get my books out of my locker.

"Fuck boy," I mumble.

"Sorry, what was that?" he asks.

"I called you a fuck boy, now get lost," I say.

I'm not tolerating this after I try to walk away from him, he pins me against the lockers "You better know what your up against," he whispers, his mouth on my ear as he speaks.

I didn't do anything to him. What the actual fuck.

I push him off me to see eyes glaring at me. I just made a scene. He made me.

His father wouldn't approve of his behavior.

At this point, he better stay the hell away from me.

First bell.

Breakfast (8:00) I sit with my friends and we talk about what happened because they saw it to.

First hour. Lame.

Second hour. Kinda lame.

Third hour. Asher is being an ass.

Fourth hour. Fun.

Fifth hour. Funny class.

Lunch. (Chat time) I sit with my friends and chat with them about random things.

Sixth hour. Sleeping hour.

Seventh hour. Get on my phone hour.

Then at 3:00, dismissal. Finally, it seemed like the day would never end.

Hey, more updates coming soon.
«With Love»

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