Chapter 25: Going shopping

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I stretched my arms and yawned, before looking at the clock on my phone. It read Saturday 2nd June, and the time was 08:16 AM. I then looked at Niall, who was sleeping soundly. I leaned in and gave him a good morning kiss, he looked up and smiled. Before giving me a kiss in return. "Good morning, Niall. Did you sleep well?" I asked him. He nodded happily, before pulling me into his warm muscular body.

"I sure did, Florence. Thanks for asking, you look so beautiful when you sleep peacefully. I love you so much, don't forget that. Okay?" He said to me, before kissing me on the lips. I giggled gently, Tom Glynn Carney had his arms around Fionn's middle. Harry was sleeping on Louis's shoulder. Tom Hardy, Jack, Liam, Aneurin, Zayn, Cillian and Barry were already awake. I gently cleared my throat, they all turned to look at me.

"Good morning, Aneurin, Barry, Jack, Tom Hardy, Cillian, Zayn, Harry, Fionn, Louis, Tom Glynn Carney and Liam. Did you guys all sleep well last night?" I asked our friends. A collectives of "Yeah, we sure did." Was heard from them, I smiled happily. Niall was already in the bathroom, brushing his teeth and shaving his stubble.

After getting showered, brushing our teeth and finally getting dressed for the day, we all went down to have our breakfast. When Princess and Cole saw us, they barked happily and went over to their dish. Louis poured the kibble into the bowl, and they started eating their breakfast. Dad was making our breakfast for today, I hugged him and said good morning. Before joining my boyfriend and our friends.

"Does anyone want to go to Manor Mills with my dad after breakfast? I need to get new outfits for us to wear, seeing as it's finally Summer." I asked everyone, they all said "Let's do this!" And "can't wait. Well, what are we waiting for?!", dad said that shopping is a great idea. Let's just say that I agreed with him.

Outside Manor Mills

Dad opened the door of our car, and we all got out. Niall and I held hands, so did Louis and Harry, Fionn held Tom Glynn Carney's hand. The others were talking to each other, and we decided to walk in throughout the door. The first shop that we went into was M&S.

I went to the curvy section and I got 1 pretty floral print dress, 1 bodysuit, 1 pair of pink rimmed sunglasses, 2 pairs of women's briefs, 4 blouses, 3 pairs of shoes, a necklace, 2 tops and 1 purple and yellow sunhat, jewellery and that was about it, really. Went to the cashier and paid for the clothes.

With the guys in the men's section

"Seen anything you'd like?" Fionn asked Niall, who was talking to Harry. "Yes, I'd like to get at least 4 boxes of new Calvin Klein boxer shorts." Niall said to Fionn, who gave Tom Glynn Carney a smile. The two friends went to join the others, who were already at the Adidas section. Fionn cleared his throat and said "Let's help Niall get new Calvin Klein boxers and outfits".

Niall got 1 pair of men's sunglasses, 2 pairs of converse sneakers, 3 pairs of swim shorts, new printed t-shirts, 4 pairs of polo shirts, cologne, shaving cream, the other guys also bought the same thing too, while dad did his weekly shopping. They went to the cashier and paid for their shopping.

We decided to round the shopping off with coffee and some ice cream, seeing as it's, well, summer. The time was 20:59 PM, which meant that we had to eat our dinner, feed the French Bulldogs, brush our teeth and go to bed. We had a long, yet exciting day today, and that's all that matters.

When we got home, we ate our dinner, had some dessert, fed Princess and Cole, brushed our teeth, and got into bed. I jumped in first, Niall joined me. He kissed me on the lips, and pulled me into his warm and muscular body. I looked at our friends, who were sleeping on inflatable beds on the floor. I said "goodnight, everyone. Don't let the chocolate muffins bite." We all started laughing.

Have a great day/night. Will publish chapter 26 when I'm not busy 

a 1D/Dunkirk cast story- Meeting them (Niall/ Florence/Jack )Where stories live. Discover now