Chapter 34: Pool day

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I looked out at the window as I woke up, hmm, the weather's nice outside today, I thought, before yawning and stretching. My two boyfriends were still asleep, I kissed them both. Causing them to wake up, "good morning, beautiful." They said to me, and kissed me back lovingly, I smiled and said "Very good, thanks." Before kissing them back, sure enough, everyone else got up.

After we took individual showers, got dressed, brushed our teeth, we all went downstairs for breakfast, and started eating our breakfast for today, the Frenchies were already eating theirs, it was Fionn who tidied up the plates, glasses, cutlery and placed them in the dishwasher. I broke the silence by talking, and this is what I said to the others and dad.

"How about we go swimming? I enjoy it. Anyone up for a swim?" I suggested to everyone. Everyone thought this was a great idea! I smiled, "Great, let's do this!" The girls and I went, and got our swimsuits, and then put them into our swim bags that had our initials engraved on to the bags. The guys got theirs, and we all headed to the pool, laughing and talking to each other.

When we got to the girls changing room, we put our swimsuits on. I was wearing the red romantic paradise swimsuit from fashionnovacurve. Megan and Bebe were wearing the nothing new swimsuit, and Julia was wearing the tranquil sea two piece, the girls and I went into the water to join everyone else in the water, the guys were in their swim shorts.

"Looking beautiful, girls!" My cousin Jess said, upon seeing the three girls and I. As soon as Niall and Jack saw me in my new fashion nova curve  red romantic swimsuit, they were speechless. "You look so hot in that swimsuit!" Niall said, and Jack agreed with him. I blushed, and started swimming.

We were all enjoying ourselves! Zayn went up to the diving board and jumped off, Fionn was holding Tom GC's hand. Luckily, there was an assortment on fun inflatable pool ride on designs, including an inflatable pizza float, I lay down on the float. Niall and Jack joined me, and Niall gently kissed me. Him and Jack displayed their toned, muscular bodies.

It was lunchtime, so we all went to a snack shack, and we ordered hot dogs, fries, pizzas, shakes, smoothies. We all sat down, and started eating our lunches and drinking the shakes and smoothies. Everyone laughed and talked to each other, we then dried off our skin, and went back to the changing rooms. We said goodbye for now to my cousin Jess and my aunt Olive, who said that we'll see each other.

It was 9 PM when we were eating our dinner, which consisted of fish tacos, dad's spinach, pine nut, feta and cranberry salad, and we drank glasses of white wine, followed by chocolate marbled cheesecake and mint ice cream. Aneurin put the plates, bowls, glasses and cutlery into the dishwasher, I gave the two French Bull Dogs their dinner, before saying goodnight to my dad. The others followed.

I got in beside Niall and Jack, and kissed them goodnight, they kissed me goodnight back. The others were already in their beds, "goodnight, everyone!" I said to our friends. They replied with "Night to you, Florence!" to both me and my two loving boyfriends. Jack pulled me against his body, while Niall put his arms around my neck and slept. His breath was warm, "Jack and I love you so much!" He said to me.

I laughed, and said "Love you both as well!" Before closing my beautiful brown eyes, and sleeping. The only sounds you could hear were our gentle snoring and breathing, we all had a fun,busy yet invigorating day! All that mattered is that I have a nice family, friends and two loving boyfriends. What more could a girl wish for?!

Will post chapter 35 maybe tomorrow, okay?! Have a great day/night wherever you are. (:

a 1D/Dunkirk cast story- Meeting them (Niall/ Florence/Jack )Where stories live. Discover now