Chapter 17

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"Would you stop pacing, Naruto?! You're giving me a migraine!" Kushina yelled and scolded her daughter as Naruto wouldn't stop walking back and forth within the kitchen.

"Then stop biting your nails! You're stressing me out too!" Naruto voiced strongly back to her mother.

They were both in the kitchen filled with worry. It had been just over three hours ever since Tobirama was locked within the living area with Naruto's most precious men in her life. Her Godfather, Jiraiya. Her father, Minato. Her teacher, Kakashi and his lover, Iruka. The four men had completely sealed the living room shut from the two Uzumaki women and left them to phantom the possibilities. Somehow, they all ended up in a negative way.

Kurama was in his human form, reading a book as he sipped on his cup of coffee at the kitchen table. "Don't fret over this, women. Naruto, you trust that water-boy and Kushina, you've taken a great liking to your future son-in-law. Trust that he'll do right with the Dolphin. There's no need to worry about those other Ningen. He's dead serious about Naruto. Trust him."

Kushina's brow twitched and threw an apple at Kurama's head. He swiftly ate it in one bite. "Shut it, foxy! Of course I trust Tobirama and already see him as my future son. It's Minato I'm worried about. That man's emotional as it is! Do you know how long it will take for me to cheer that man up?! He's handing over his only daughter to another man already! Jiraiya won't be making it any easier with his pervy comments!"

Naruto added in her two cents of stress. "What will I do if Iruka-sensei kills Tobirama, Kaa-chan?! I've imprinted on him and those shitty men won't even let me be with Tobirama to talk about this! Tobirama even agreed on it and sent me out like I'm some 5 year old."

"Well let's be honest, Kit. You went ahead and visited Tobirama's family without him knowing, for their permission to be with him. It's his turn to take the wheel. He is a man and you can't just brush him aside and take the lead constantly. It will damage and hurt a man's pride. Making him think that he's not a man enough to take care of you. Kushina, so what if Minato gets emotional. Fix him up by showing your goods. You're still young to carry another 1 or 2 babes with the blondie."

Kushina went to retort when her mind when to wonder and grinned. "No complaining there. It's been a while since I last laid my hands on my man. What do you think, Naruto? Does a sibling sound nice? Even at your age."

Naruto looked to her mother in thought. "That would be awesome! Dattebayo! But this is dad we're talking about. Sex isn't just going to distract him from living my life with Tobirama. He'd probably want for us to live together till I'm in my fifties."

"That's true." Kushina sighed before she got an evil gleam in her eyes and looked to Kurama. "You know, I've heard your talks to Jiraiya about your time with Matatabi. You don't happen to have those 'toys' on you, do ya? I think it's time I discipline Minato a bit. He may be a Hokage, but I'm still his wife."

Naruto wanted to cringe at the crude remark, but looked to Kurama with a raised brow. "Mind if I borrow some too? As much as I love Tobirama, I'm not just ready to give up my dominance on him just yet."

Kurama smirked with a glint in his eyes. "Now this is why I like you Uzumaki women. Always entertaining and good to chat with." He looked to the living room door and winked at the scheming red-head and blonde. "We'll talk more about this later. It seems they're done."

Kushina and Naruto rushed to stand a few metres from the door and stood expectantly. First, Jiraiya came out with a large grin and held up two thumbs. "He's got my vote, brat. He's got a good head on his shoulders and I can see the both of you working and living together fluidly." Jiraiya approved of Tobirama and spotted Kurama. Quickly walked over to the Bijū and started a light and perverted conversation with the fox.

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