Chapter 3

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Luke POV-

I made my way to my usual spot outside in the strange garden area my school had. I usually would ditch study hall and just come come here and relax. It's not like anyone actually cared to notice when I wasn't there. Whatever. I did what I usually did and just sat there listening to music playing some stupid game on my phone. Better than sitting in a classroom full of people who just enjoyed staring at me most of the time. If I never found this place I had no idea what the fuck I would do. This was better than even attempting to do homework. I guess these people weren't to fond of outsiders. It wasn't even like we were in a small town or anything. We were in Seattle for heavens sakes! Plenty of different people had to have wandered into the city and no one said anything about it. Maybe it was just this school. I knew there was one thing everyone could agree on. HIGHSCHOOL SUCKS! I really missed being home in Sydeny. At least there I had my friends. Here I was alone.

Not that I hated it so much, only sometimes. Having a friend could be a nice thing, but then again, the people in this school only cared about one thing. Sex and popularity. Being an "outcast," was nice when it came to rumors. You could just quietly sit there and listen to what everybody was saying without being called out for saying somthing wrong. One thing for sure, everyone here had sex...ALOT. I didn't understand why it was so important to people, and why sex made someone all high and mighty. What would I know? I'm still a virgin. But I was only 16 and if people judged me for that fuck them. I put in my headphones and tried to ignore the thoughts I was having. I blasted my music and attempted to play the same stupid game on my phone I would always play. I was pulled out of my concentration when I heard the door crack open and saw a girl walk out. She had bright red hair, but it wasn't just red. It was like a copper or something like that. I wasn't a hair expert. I guess I scared her because she let out a scream.I pulled out my headphones. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you no one usually comes out here." There was one thing I noticed instantly about her that was different. She had a fucking dog with her. I felt my whole body tense up and I felt paralyzed. Don't freak out Luke,don't freak out. Breathe. Yeah fucking right. I tried to keep myself calm by playing with my hands.

Don't freak out.....

"uh is that a dog?" I asked trying to keep my voice steady and calm.

"Yeah she's my dog," she replied and stared at me. I felt slightly uncomfortable. I could tell that I wasn't doing good at hiding it. I felt myself keep exchanging glances back and forth between her and the dog. I slightly moved trying not to make it obvious, but I hit the railing. Jesus christ good going Luke. "Uh. Why do you have a dog in school?" I said, still trying to keep myself steady and not let on anything. Were pets allowed in school? Dogs were allowed in school? Since when is that natural. "The vest?" She said in a questioning tone.

"Huh?" I asked confused at what she was talking about. She wasn't wearing a vest, and neither was I for that matter. She looked around and called her dog to come out. I gathered the dogs name was Lucy from what she said. "No no Lucy, you don't have to come out." Too late. The dog appearned next to her. Don't freak out Luke... Breathe, you'll be okay. It can't be that evil if it's in school right? "Lucy sit," she commanded. The dog obeyed in like two seconds. That's a record if I've seen one before. "What's your problem?" She said to me with an attitude. Sorry miss sassy pants, I'm trying not to freak out since you have a devil's spawn standing next to you. "I just don't really like dogs," I said trying to leave it at that. The girl let out a little chuckle, I don't even think she knew she did it. "How do you not like dogs?" She asked. I felt like I wanted to smack her. Sorry for having an issue.

"I guess you could say I had a bad experience with one..." I said then bit my lip. Fuck Luke you shouldn't have said anything, now she'll probably ridicule for it. Who the fuck was she anyway.

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