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Zach's POV

I wake up and stretch. I realize that I fell asleep on the beanbags while watching a movie with Jonah last night. Speaking of Jonah, where is he.

I look at the time and see that it's eight am.

"Jo?" I ask aloud.

"Yeah Zay?" Jonah asks walking out of the bathroom with a tooth brush in his mouth. He brought his own to keep at my house along with the boys because of future sleep overs.

"Nothing just wondering where you went" I say standing up and stretching before walking to the bathroom and brushing my teeth as well.

I was in a feminine mood today, but I didn't want to say anything about it because Jonah and the boys don't know that about me yet.

I walk out of the bathroom to see Jonah walking back into my room dressed with his hair done. I was too lazy to get dressed yet and I was dreading wearing boy clothes today because I know that today they would just feel uncomfortable.

"Zay?" Jonah asks. I hum back in response signaling he say something else.

"Can I choose your outfit again?" He asks with hopeful eyes.

"Sure why not" I say and quietly sigh.

I stand up and stand by the entrance of my closet fiddling with my pajama pants and shirt. Jonah was looking around until he got dangerously close to the door in the back of my closet where all my girl clothes were.

"What's back here Zach?" Jonah asks.

"No don't look back there!" I say power walking to him trying to stop him, but he opens the door before I could get to him.

"Woah" Jonah said looking around. I just blush and look down because I've never shown anybody this room let alone tell anyone that I like to where girl clothes sometimes. Only my dad really knows, and he's fine with it.

I walk back to where Jonah was standing looking through the rack of girl clothes I had.

"If you tell anyone about this, I will hurt you." I tell him.

"Oh come on. I bet you look cute in these clothes" He says. A faint blush covers my checks.

"Tell a soul about this and I'll never talk to you again" I say.

"But what if you say it's okay for me to tell someone" He asks.

"If I say it's okay then you can, but if I don't you can't tell anyone." I say.

"Okay fine. Now lets find you an outfit." Jonah says.

I walk out of the closet and lay on the beanbags closing my eyes.

"Get up and change" Jonah says. I just shake my head no and turn onto my side, keeping my eyes closed.

"Get up or I'll make Coach call you Zachy Poo during PE" He says. I groan and get up taking the clothes he picked out and walked into the bathroom.

"I might take a while. I'm going to shower." I say through the bathroom door hearing Jonah say okay. I start the shower and strip down before getting into the shower.

On days where I feel girly, I usually shave, so that's what I did. I shaved, and washed my body, lastly I shampooed and conditioned my hair. When I hoped out of the shower, I dried off and changed.

I look at the clothes for the first time and regret not looking at them earlier.

I wasn't mad at the outfit, it was cute, I was mad at the underwear. Jonah freaking gave me a thong. I just madly blushed and stood there with my towel wrapped around my waist shaking my head sighing.

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