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Zach's POV

I got released from the hospital yesterday, and Jonah didn't want to leave my side. I finally convinced him to go home and sleep after he made sure some of the maids knew what the doctors had told him.

I woke up this morning feeling good. Well, besides my arm being in a little pain. I stood up and stretched before checking my phone really quick.

I had a text from Jonah telling me he was going to pick me up and take me to school today. I have at least 40 minutes until he picks me up, so I decide to get ready. Plus, today Jack has his first volleyball game today, and the boys and I are going to watch, along with Christina.

I walk into my closet and go into the back. I dig through my stuff, and find a black sleeveless hoodie crop top and some ripped skinny jeans. I put on some white high top converse and throw on my volley ball Letterman Jacket that was purple and white with a volleyball on the back, along with my jersey number.

I walk into my bathroom, and brush my teeth and do my hair. Once I'm satisfied, I run into the kitchen and see a strawberry & wild berry smoothly waiting for me. I thank the chef, and walk out front to see Jonah pulling into my driveway.

"Hey" I say hoping in the front seat.

"Good morning" he says pecking my on the lips. We jam out to songs after him asking how I was feeling and if anything hurt. We picked up Corbyn, Jack, and Daniel, each asking me how I was feeling. After assuring them that I was fine, we jammed out on our way to school.

When we pulled up to the school and got out of the car, and people gasped at my arm. I kind of just rolled my eyes slightly, annoyed at the people. I just sip my smoothie walking with the boys to our lockers.

"Ready for your game today Jack?" I asked him, getting my books out of my locker.

"Yeah.  Just sad that you can't play" He says sighing and walking over to me.

"Me too. But, the doctor said my arm should be healed in three to five weeks." I tell him.

"Yeah, but that means you'll only get to play in like two or three games." He says.

"Yeah, but I get to rock this super cool jacket, and go to every game to support you because still on the team." I say.

"True" He says laughing a bit with me laughing too.

I walk over to a trash bin, and throw away my now empty cup.

"Fag" some random dude says to me.

"Fuck off" I tell him flipping him off before walking back to the boys.

"What was that about?" Daniel asked me.

"Nothing" I said to him.

"Gosh. We need to tel you who the people you don't want to mess with are." Corbyn said to me.

"That guy is Chris. He's some big jock on the football team. He once beat up the kid who does his homework because he messed up one question on his math." Daniel says.

"Okay. It's not like I care. I can stick up for myself. Besides I can take care of myself" I say to them.

"Sure. Just like how you stood up to Jacob and Blake, because we know that turned out so well" Corbyn said sarcastically looking at my cast.

"Well, they got expelled so I win" I tell them.

"And you also lost. You broke your arm because you got into beef with them. And now you can't play volleyball" Daniel said.

"Okay. So I can't physically stand up for myself. But I can verbally. If someone call me something I'm going to stick up for myself." I tell them. My eyes tearing up a bit remembering why that word stung so much.

"Who called you what?" Jonah asked now joining in on the conversation since he had been listening because he agreed with the boys.

"He... he called me a f-fag" I say quietly.

"Oh baby" Jonah said sadly, pulling me into a hug, my eyes letting some tears fall.

"Don't listen to him. You are not what he called you. At all" he tells me kissing the top of my head.

"It's not because of him. It's because... because that's what my m-mom called me after I came out" I said.

They didn't say anything. Instead, Jack, Corbyn, and Daniel joined the hug.

After a few minutes the bell rings and we all walk into first period. I'm just waiting until schools over so I can go watch my best friends play some volleyball. Oh. I forgot to mention. Christina made the volleyball team!

Ring! Ring!

The bell rings signaling the school day is over, but the principal made an announcement on the intercoms talking about the game.

"Game time" Jack says before bed rushes into the locker room to change, Christina leaving Corbyn's side to go to the girls locker room to change as well.

We walk to the doors of the gymnasium paying the admission. I didn't have to pay since I was on the team.

We took seats in the second row. I was watching the other team warm up. They looked like they knew what they were doing.

They had sharp, on point over hand serves. Their bumps and sets were perfect.

This was going to be a tough team to beat. Our team walked out, and our school cheered. They warmed up. Stretching, passing, setting, serves, spikes. We weren't as good as the other team, but were were close.

They ran a quick lap, and shook hands with the other team before getting in their positions.

Jack was in setters position, and Christina was in set 4 position. The other team members filling in the rest.

Our team won the coin flip, so we served first.
The whistle blew, and we served. A sharp over hand hit to the other side. The opposing team easily returning it.

Third person POV

The rallies were long throughout the game. The score tied. Jack serving. He tossed the ball high, his hand making contact with it sending it over the net smoothly.

The other team doing a hit, set, spike. The ball would've hit the ground, but Christina dove for the ball, and bumped it up into the air.

"Set me! Set me!" Jack said.

Another team member, named Allison, set the ball up to Jack. He ran up to it. One step, two, he jumped up, and hit the ball. The loud smacking sound echoing through the gym.

The ball went over the net, and the other team went for the ball. But, missed. The ball hit the ground, and the buzzer for the game went off. The whole gym stood up cheering.

Christina's save, Allison's set, and Jack's hit, win the game!

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