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Zach's POV

After the dance we all went to my house to just chill and stuff. I'm so happy that I did what I did, and went all out, but I know nothing is going to be the same.

On Sunday, we went to Corbyn's house to study because he heard rumors about a huge pop quiz in science in Monday. We all believed him, and went over a bunch of recently learned science things. It was horrible, but afterwards, Christina and I made dinner with the boys "helping" as they called it. Even though they just ate anything they could get their hands on.

But now it's Monday. Yay school! That was sarcasm. Currently I'm sitting in one of my cars I get to drive when I get my license, but Jonah is driving it. Knowing everyone knows I'm rich means that we could drive my cars since Jonah's recently broke down and the others all use their parents' cars. One more week of hell before winter break which I'm so excited for.

We arrived at school, pulling up in my lamborghini urus, barely fitting us all in the car. We all get out the car, and like the first day, people stare, and say 'Hey' to us. However, I hear more people say "Hey Zach!" than I hear with the others. I just roll my eyes and continue walking. I'm not mad about me being rich is out there, it's just I don't want to deal with fake friends like I did at my old school. But I think I'm good with the five I've got.

The entire day I just hear people try to talk to me, and honestly it gets kind of annoying. But, like at my last school, I ignored it. School was dreadfully long that day, and in every class, someone who I didn't know wanted to be my project partner. Even some stupid bitches who made fun of me for dressing like a girl, came up to me and tried to act like they were my friends.

I just smiled at the people who said hey to me, but I really just wanted to say "Bitch I am not your friend so back the fuck up" but I decided to be a good person and keep my mouth shut. Plus Jonah said if I say something bad to someone or cuss someone out for saying hi to me that I wouldn't get cuddles. So I kept my mouth shut.

The day finally ended and Corbyn was right about the surprise science quiz so hopefully I did good on that. I was super bummed when I remembered that it was only Monday so I had homework and stuff to study for.

When Jonah dropped everyone off at their houses, we went to my house to work on homework together.

Now let me tell you, history freaking sucks! Like the stuff is interesting but I just struggle with remembering the stuff. I'm surprised that they didn't make me do a lower grade if history.

"Okay Zachy. How far have you gotten in your history project?" Jonah asks me as he takes out all of our homework and setting it on the desk. I have a whole room just for homework and studying so I don't get distracted. It's like a school room with desks and whiteboards, but no electronics and stuff to distract me.

"Um, does all of the drawing count?" I ask fiddling with my pencil.

"Yeah I guess, but how about the writing portions?" Jonah asks me taking the pencil from my hand.

"Um. I have my name written down" I say to Jonah giving him a small smile.

"Well y-" I was cut off by the door bell ringing.

Jonah and I just continue to work, knowing that my dad or one of the staff members would answer it.

We work on my writing portion of my project, getting most of it done within about ten minutes.

"Zachary your dad is asking for you in his office. It's something serious" Martha, one of our helpers says knocking on the door as she slowly opens it.

"Okay. I'll be right down" I tell her. She nods her head and leaves the room. I give Jonah a quick kiss telling him I'll be right back. I walk down the stairs, and head to my dads office. I knock on the smooth white wooden doors, and enter after hearing someone say come in.

"Zach. Your mother wasn't the hit and run. It was some crazy lady who was previously running from the cops for DUI. Your mom, had made a plea to the judge, and forged my signature. I still went to the hearing, and you are required to visit your mom at least twice a week or else she will try and get full custody." My dad says, with our family lawyer nodding his head in agreement.

"What why?" I yell.

"Why does she suddenly want to see me?!? She hated me!! I won't see her!" I yell.

"One more thing. I'm sorry Zachary, but this starts tomorrow. And while your there, your mother asks you not to have your phone, because she wants to spend time with you." My dad says before standing up and leading me to the door.

"I love you son. I'm doing this so I still have full custody. I won't leave you. Ever." He says.

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