Inbox 2

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Rose was able to come back home in one piece. Before entering the house, she stares at the front of the door, calming her emotions for she knew that her parents are waiting for her, excited to question her about her day.

She took a deep breath and twisted the doorknob, entering the house.

Both, her mom and dad, greeted her with a smile upon seeing her in their living room. Rose went to them and hugged and kissed their cheeks, "I'm home." she cheerfully said.

"Oh, honey! How's your training?" Her dad excitedly asked her which reminded Rose again of the awful remarks made toward her. However, she put her upset feelings aside and answered her dad, "It's quite good. The members treat me well."

Her dad smiled and proudly said, "That's nice to hear! Remember to show 'em the kicks of the Park Family." Rose nodded with a forced smile. She cannot remember the day when she last smiles genuinely at people, but everybody does believe her.

I am getting better at lying. Should I pursue acting someday?

She thought while her parents relentlessly ask her questions, particularly her dad, who is a previous well-known athlete in taekwondo. She responded to them. Some of them are the truth, but half of it is stories she made up.

"Mom, dad." She called for their attention. Her parents looked at her with questioning eyes, "I'll be heading to my room now, you know, I'm quite tired from training." she said and pointed to the room next to their living room.

"Sure, honey. Rest up." Her mother said.

As soon as Rose closes the door, she bursts into tears. She quietly weeps in her room. She could not tell her parents about the incident today for they will only make it worse. She knew that her parents will demand the girls to be removed from the team which will only make her the villain in the eyes of the other members.


It's already 1'o clock in the morning, but Rose still cannot sleep. She has trouble sleeping when unpleasant occurrences take place. She tried numerous ways to fall asleep: drinking tea, counting sheep, blinking fast, and many more. However, none of the methods work for her mind is the one troubled, not her physical body.

If only I could have someone to vent on.

Rose sighed as she stares at her phone. Wishing for a text from her contacts; She then remembered she has no friends. She's a loner because of her parents. During middle school and high school, there are some who attempted to befriend her. However, they frequently give up halfway due to a few reasons such as her tight schedule and her strict parents.

Now she felt worst after that realization.

Suddenly, her phone screen lit up but to her dismay, it is only a notification from an app. It was then she thought of an embarrassing way to cope with anguish. On her phone keypad, she typed random numbers and saved them. She was not able to think twice about her actions and abruptly texted a stranger's number.



It was only after she pressed sent, that regret surfaced, "Oh damn, what have I done!"

Nonetheless, she can no longer unsent the message containing her emotions for it was sent not via an application. She plopped her head on the pillow and kicked the air.

"Who would have read such a long message from an unknown number. No one will. My message will only appear as spam for them. Good, good, good, no worries." She reassured herself before closing her eyes. Although it seems to be a stupid action, but for Rose, it helped her release some of her burdens. Her mind is now calm and prepared to descend into a deep slumber. Not until a notification ruined her calm.


Rose's eyes widen. She turned her head to her side where the phone is and saw that a message pops. Surprised, nervous, and embarrassed are the three emotions that are heavily circulating in her heart as she opens the message.

Unknown number:

I am saddened to hear that,

But it's okay to feel upset.

Only for a short time and go fight again.

Hope that you will feel better soon.

(Marked as read)

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