Inbox 5

196 19 30

Rose successfully reached her first class right on time.
She was lucky that someone helped her.
Although she was scared at first.


"Your in trouble missy." Rose swallowed the lump on her throat

She bit her lips, looking down on the ground.
Praying that she won't get on trouble in her first day.

"Wait...." the man paused for a minute
before bending his knees to be at the same level as Rose.

Rose can feel that the man's gaze was all on her,
"I'm so sorry, please let me pass Im just a transferee."
She said so quick while shivering.

She flinched when the man suddenly touch her chin,
Slowly raising her head,

She's afraid.

He then giggled, "Your a transferee indeed. Let me guide you."
She was puzzled.

End of flashback


It's lunch time and Rose did not go straight to the cafeteria where every students are.
Instead she went for a walk,
While walking a message was sent to Rose.
The person that she can consider as her first friend
Even though they just talk through messages

No one:
How's school?

Just fine
Don't you have classes?

It's our lunch.

What a coincidence.
It's our lunch as well.


Yes wow 😂

I was wondering
We've been messaging
each other for months


We don't know each other's name.

Rose paused,
Being afraid that this person
will never talk to her
If he or she will know who she is.

Anyone there?

I don't know...

What you don't know?

I don't know either
Maybe I'm not ready to tell you
My real name
Or even to meet you



Hey don't be!
But can I ask?


Blue or pink.

What? Are you asking for my favorite color?

Pft. No dummy.
I'm asking for your gender.

What a unique way.

Just answer it!

Haha okie
I'm on the pink side

Oh just like what I thought.

Are you on the pink side as well?

No girl, I'm on the blue side.


(Marked as read)

Dedicated to @ThereseAllynlLavor and @aestheticGia

Love this two, the only people who read and votes in this book.

Love lots!

Dear No OneTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang