Inbox 4

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"Honey, Are you ready?" Her mom asked while leaning on the door frame.
Rose smiled and gave her a nod.
Her mom frowned, that made Rose to be worried.

"Mom why?"

"I just don't want you to be sad dear."


'I can't feel that now, sadness is my last name.'

Her mom took steps to be near her and gave Rose a hugged,
"Don't be sad, I'm sure you'll meet new friends at that place."

Rose hugged her mother back, "Yes, I'll definitely meet new friends"


"Have fun Rose!" Her dad waved at her from the inside of the car,
"Okay dad." She then gave him a thumbs up before he left.

When the car disappears, her hands slowly fell beside her and sighed deeply.
'As days goes by, I am getting better at faking'

Rose looked up to see the university that she will be entering for the next two years until she finished her studies.


"Early huh?" She mumbles.

No one:
Hey Morning pasta.
Goodluck on your first day to hell.

Morning to you as well duck.
Goodluck too.

Unknowingly, her lips are forming into a smile.
She was startled by the ring of the bell that her phone almost slips out of her hand.
Till she realize something.

She checked the time, to  see that she's running late.


Being a new student is hard especially when your running late
and don't know where to go.

Rose cursed under her breath for multiple times,
She knew that she will be late at this state.

She wiped the sweat falling from her forehead,
'I hate running'

"This university is humongous." She sighed and ran once again.

But fell on the ground when bumping on someone.

"Your in trouble missy." Rose swallowed the lump on her throat.

(Marked as read)

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