Inbox 8

171 18 36

Rose spent her time after class studying at the library.

She did not notice that it was already past 8 p.m if only not for the librarian.

"Honey the library is closing." The old lady said.

Rose looked around and saw that she and the lady was the only people in.

"Oh sorry I stayed to long." She bowed to librarian and packed her things.

The old lady chuckled and shook her head, "It's okay dear. I am pleased to see a student spending most of her time studying than being busy in a relationship. I barely see students like you, so keep coming back. okay?"

Rose smiled at her and promised her to come back.

They bid goodbye to one another and separated ways.

It was dark already but Rose isn't afraid anymore.


She waited for a bus at the stopped when a man with a hoodie sit beside her.

She does not glance at him and just waited for the bus calmly.


more likely she wished the bus to arrived sooner.

She wasn't afraid of the dark but afraid of people with dark intentions.

She was busy thinking of what the man can do to her when her phone startled her.

It vibrated.

No one:

Heyo. Are you home?

No and I'm afraid.

Rose heard a notification but it was not coming from her phone followed by a gasp.

It was the hoodie man's phone.

Rose watched him typing.

but her watch was interrupted when her phone vibrates.

What your not yet home?!

Its past 8. Your a girl

for pete sake.

I didn't noticed the time.

I studied at the library.


It came from the hoodie man's phone again.

Rose flinched when the man suddenly slapped his forehead.

"She over-studied." He whispered.

her eyes slowly widened, realizing something.

It can't be.

Where are you?

Im coming over.

She made a plan to confirm her suspicion.

She grabbed her mask and cap wearing it.

Could you please say "Rose" a loud?

What? No time for jokes.

Tell me your location

I will but please do it

Im not joking either.

She heard a sighed, "Rose."

Tell me your location now.

A bus stopped right in front of them.

I am about to ride a bus.

The hoodie man who is identified as Jin

suddenly stood up and stared at the bus as it is about to leave.

There he saw a black haired girl wearing a mask and cap seated near the window.

They made eye contact.

Next thing Jin knew is that the bus left.

leaving him frozen.

"She was so close."

(Marked as Read)

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