Chapter Five: Ryu Vs. Fighting Dummy! - Part 2

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     The dummy's Sharingan eyes looked down at the young Uchiha as if he was trash, like he was about to do the world a favor by cleaning him off the face of the earth.

      How is this possible? Ryu thought to himself. He can't have the Sharingan, he's just a wooden dummy and not even from the Uchiha Clan. But that would explain why he was able to dodge my Explosive Drop Combo.

     Ryu looked around and noticed that the bomb from before had attracted everyone's attention, including the Genin and Kasurou's that had went away to train.

      "Kasurou!" Ryu said. "Shut the dummy down!"

     Kasurou smiled weakly. "Sorry, but the only way to stop it is by defeating it. Good luck, nephew!"

     The dummy pushed off the tree trunk and toward Ryu, who dove to one side as the dummy's fist came crashing down, creating another crater.

     When Ryu was back on his feet, he exhaled a fireball after performing quick hand signs. The dummy easily jumped to one side, where Ryu was already waiting for it after using Lightning Style Armour. He stabbed his sword into the dummy, but it seemed to do nothing, since the dummy just smacked Ryu away with its wooden hand.

     Ryu landed gracefully back on the ground and turned back to the dummy, but found it already gone. He jumped into the air just as the dummy appeared where he once stood.

     "I got you now!" Ryu said, making the hand signs for Rat, Tiger, Dog, Ox, Rabbit, and Tiger. "Fire Style: Phoenix Sage Fire Jutsu!"

     Ryu released a barrage of miniature fireballs from his mouth that made their way toward the dummy, who was obviously trapped. On contact, the fireballs exploded, which created thick smoke around the area.

      Activating his Sharingan enabled Ryu to clearly see through the smoke and look around for the dummy. He could see the Chakra belonging to the other Genin and Kasurou's with his Sharingan, and when he turned around, he saw the dummy's Chakra as well, meaning it had survived the attack.

     "You just won't died, will you?" Ryu said, charging at the dummy.

     The dummy, able to see through the smoke, charged at Ryu as well. When the dummy punched at Ryu, he flicked his sword up, cutting off its arm. Through the smoke, he could see the dummy's arm suddenly grow back.

     Inhuman speed and strength, Sharingan, and regenerating powers!? Ryu thought as he ducked to dodge the dummy's kick. He backflipped and landed fifteen feet away from the dummy.

     The dummy, realizing he had gotten away, dashed at him once again. Ryu dodged several of the dummy's attacks, and when he found an opening, he created a Chidori without any hand signs and thrust at the dummy.

     Just as it was about to reach the dummy, it suddenly grabbed his wrist, stopping the attack all together. Ryu looked into the dummy's eyes in shock.

     It must've read my movements with its Sharingan and stopped my Chidori, Ryu concluded. Then that means its Sharingan works like the real one.       

     Ryu tried to break free from the dummy's hold, but it had an iron grip. Ryu created another Chidori with his left hand and sliced the dummy's hand off before jumping back again.

     "I've had enough enough of this," Ryu said. "Time to get really serious."

     Finally, for the second time, Ryu activated his Mangekyo Sharingan. With his greatly enhance vision he now had, he could see better through the smoke, which was taking forever to go away.

     Kasurou, who had also activated his Sharingan to see the battle better, almost couldn't believe his eyes at what he saw. "Is that the . . . Mangekyo Sharingan!?"

    Ryu opened his mouth and spit out a small wave of water which swept the dummy away. Once the dummy was in the water, Ryu created a Chidori and channeled it into the water, sending electricity through it and electrocuting the dummy.

     Once the water was gone, all that was left was the dummy which lay on the ground motionless. With his Mangekyo Sharingan, Ryu immediately saw that it was a clone and spun around to kick the real dummy as it jumped at him from behind.

     "You think such petty tricks can work against these eyes of mine?" Ryu said, looking at the dummy. "I can see everything with these eyes. Don't underestimate me."

     Ryu turned on his Lightning Style Armour and had cleared twenty feet in a single step and stabbed his sword into the dummy. Knowing it still wouldn't be enough, he channeled his Chidori through his sword and sliced the dummy in half at its waist.

     Ryu smiled and took a step back. When he saw the dummy regenerating again, he kicked the top half of its body away, but it flew back an attached itself. The dummy then stood back up, ready to resume the fight.

     "Since you can't seem to die properly," Ryu said, "I can at least explore the powers of these Mangekyo Sharingan eyes of mine."


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