Chapter Fourteen: Ryu and Chi Vs. The Lightning Five - Part 3

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Ryu managed to block Cal's punch with the palm of his hand and send a kick toward his ribs. All of a sudden, Cal sprouted a tail from his red Chakra cloak that shielded him from Ryu's foot.

They both landed back on the ground and began running in opposite directions. Cal stopped, spun around, and fired a wave of lightning toward Ryu all in one motion. Ryu spun around as well and fired a barrage of fireballs that canceled out Cal's lightning.

"Not bad," Cal growled. "But's time for you to go to the underworld!"

"I'm afraid I'll have to disagree," Ryu growled back. "You'll be the one paying the visit, not me."

"We'll see about that, kid."

Cal charged at Ryu, his tailing flying around as he did. Ryu leaped high into the air as Cal slashed his claws at him. Ryu, as quick as lightning itself, made the Hand Signs for the Chidori.

Cal looked up with an evil grin on his face as Ryu came down with his Chidori in hand. As Ryu brought his Chidori down where Cal was, Cal jumped backwards, dodging the attack. But what he didn't see was the second Chidori on Ryu's other hand.

"It's over," Ryu said with his grin.

He quickly thrust the Chidori at Cal with a smile on his face, thinking that it was already the end. But he was shocked when Cal somehow used his tail block the Chidori.

"Nice try, kid," Cal growled.

Cal's tail whipped back and slammed hard into Ryu's chest, sending him flying back into a row of trees. A trail of smoke was left from the attack.

Ryu slowly got back up and looked at Cal. Blood oozed from one side of his mouth as he began stretching.

"What're you doing?" Cal asked.

"Getting ready to take you out," Ryu said confidently.

Now it was Cal's turn to smile. "I'd love to see you just try."

"I won't even bother trying," Ryu responded. "I will defeat you, whether you like it or-"

Ryu fell to one knee as he bled from his left eye and began coughing blood. Cal grinned at the now suffering Ryu.

Ryu cursed under his breath. I had forgotten my eye's power was still into affect. I'll only have about five minutes to defeat him before my eye gives out on me.

"Come on now," Cal said. "Wouldn't want you dying before the battle ended, isn't that right?"

Ryu looked at the ground next to his feet and saw his dragon mask that had fallen off during the battle. He picked it back up and put it back on. Once he did this, the Genjutsu from his Mangekyō Sharingan ended, bringing them back to the real world.

"Don't worry about me," he said. "Just worry about yourself right now."

Ryu charged at Cal with his sword ready to attack. But before he could even swing it, his vision suddenly began to get blurry. He stopped dead in his tracks and tried to squint his eyes to see better.

Cal saw him stop and took this opportunity to attack. Ryu barely dodged Cal's kick as he leaped backward after seeing a blurry figure attacking him.

This just might be harder than I though after all, Ryu thought.

His eye sight got better and he shook his head to make sure he was still okay. He made the necessary hand signs to summon a fireball and sent it hurling toward Cal, who easily dodged it by jumping into the air.

Ryu, using his new speed he had gained from Byakko's power, appeared behind Cal as still floated in midair.

"Got you," Ryu growled as he created several tons and tons of water clones that surrounded Cal.

After ten minutes minutes or so of Cal fighting the several clones, he was finnaly overpowered. He was caught off guard when the real Ryu blocked his field of vision by erupting into a flock of crows, allowing the clones to overpower him. He fought off and killed most of them, but was still unable to win the hopeless battle. He now lay on the ground defenseless.

Only two water clones remained after the battle. The real Ryu stepped forward and pointed his sword at Cal's throat.

"Since I'm a nice a guy, I'll give you two options," Ryu said with a toothy grin. "You can either come with me and Chi back to the Village Hidden in the Leaves, or refuse and die by my sword. Take a pick. Your fate is in your own hands."

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