Chapter Twelve: Ryu and Chi Vs. The Lightning Five! - Part 1

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Ryu's body turned into a group of crows, which flew down next to Chi and then transformed back into Ryu.

     "Where did you learn that trick?" Chi asked.

     "It seemed nice to be able to fly around like a bird, so I signed a contract with the crows," Ryu said. 

     "Cool," Chi said. "Now, let's take out the trash."

     "Who're you calling trash," said the man who seemed to be the leader. "We're ones here to do the cleaning. But before you die, allow me to introduce ourselves, though you won't be alive long enough to remember our names. I'm Cal, and that's Dai, Suo, Karou, and Toya."

     "Nice to meet you?" Chi said, not sure what to say.

     "Enough with the chit chat," Ryu said. "Time for you to die."

     "You insolent little brat," Cal said in an angry voice. "I'll kill you first!"

     There was a thundering boom as Cal disappeared and appeared in front of Ryu. Ryu, surprised at Cal's speed, was punched in the face and sent flying. Cal seemed to teleport as he appeared behind Ryu and kicked him into the ground.

     A crater was created as Ryu crashed hard into the ground. After a few seconds of complete silence, Ryu stood back up. He had but a few scratches on his face and clothes, and his pants had been slightly ripped. Other than those things, he looked completely normal.

     Now it was Cal's turn to be surprised. "That blow would've killed any regular human being."

     "Well, what can I say?" Ryu said, drawing his sword. "There's always exceptions."

     "I guess I'll just have to try harder," Cal said with a grin. 

     He disappeared again, and as he appeared in front of Ryu again, Ryu made a swift spin and ended up behind Cal as he punched the air.

     "Is this your 'harder' you were talking about?" Ryu said with his sword pointed at Cal's back.

     Suddenly, Cal erupted in white smoke and was replaced by a log.

     A substitution Jutsu, Ryu thought.

     He turned around just in time to see Cal's fist coming toward his face. He knew he couldn't stop it, but just before it could make contact with Ryu's face, Cal was sent sailing into a tree from Chi's surprising kick.

     "You expected me to just stand around as you had all the fun?" Chi said with a smile.

     "You could've joined in anytime you wanted," Ryu said.

     Chi puffed her cheeks in anger and looked away. "Whatever."

     The Lightning Five had regrouped together, and Cal was back up and in front of the group. He looked angry after getting kicked into a tree by a twelve year old girl. I mean, wouldn't you?

     "Now you've sealed your fate!" Cal yelled. "You're both going to die right here and right now!"

     The Lightning Five charged at Ryu and Chi at the speed of lightning, but Ryu and Chi dodged them at the speed of light. Once the Five were open from their attacks, Chi took this opportunity to perform a Jutsu.

     In a flash, she had made the hand signs for Tiger, Hare, Boar, the Dog. Earth Style: Earth Wall Jutsu!

     The earth under the Five rose up to form a wall, with the Five standing on top of it. It left them in the open, and that made it a perfect set-up for Ryu's Great Fireball Jutsu. When Chi had created the wall, Ryu had already made his hand signs and was ready to release the fireball in his mouth.

     Uchiha Clan Technique, Fire Style: Great Fireball Jutsu! 

     Ryu expelled a giant fireball from his mouth which hurled toward the Five. The giant fireball engulfed them along with the wall itself and exploded.

     Ryu and Chi covered themselves as chunks of the wall flew toward them. Once the smoke from the fireball had disappeared, Ryu looked around to see if the Five had been destroyed.

     When he couldn't spot them with his regular eyesight, he activated his Saringan and searched again. He found each of them hiding in different trees from all around Ryu and Chi.

      "They're in the trees," Ryu and Chi said at the same time.

     They looked at each other, and somehow created a plan together through simple eye contact. They both nodded and each headed toward one of the Five.

     Ryu went for Cal and threw a Kunai in his direction. Cal jumped from the tree to dodge the Kunai. Where he landed wasn't so safe though.

     Using his Sharingan to predict where Cal would be, Ryu reached there first and set up a paper bomb. Cal stepped on the paper bomb and Ryu made the Snake hand sign as he jumped backward, triggering the explosive tag.

     BOOM! The tag exploded, supposedly along with Cal. Ryu knew that it wasn't over, and he knew that reinforcements were coming soon as well. He ducked as Cal threw a Kunai from behind. The Kunai embedded in the tree trunk in front of Ryu, and he saw that it had a paper bomb attached to it.

     BOOM! Ryu was caught in the explosion and some of his clothes were scorched as he tried to jump out of the explosion. He was blown to the ground, but managed to gather himself and land safely. He spun around in time to kick Cal in the face and send him flying into a tree.

     "That wasn't too bad," Ryu said, looking down at his scorched shirt. "But let me get a little bit more serious."

    Suddenly, Dai and Karou came into the battle field and stood next to Cal. Ryu erupted into a flock of crows that began swarming around the three men. They tried to smack away and kill the crows, but more simply appeared. Soon, all they could see was the darkness created by the crows. And because of this, they never saw Ryu cast his Sharingan's Genjutsu on them.

     The crows vanished as quickly as they had appeared, and the scene had completely changed. They now stood in a street in an unknown village and it was nighttime. The moon was full and shone brightly from above, illuminating the earth below.

     Ryu appeared standing a few yards from the men with a smile on his face. "Welcome to my own Genjutsu world. Shall we get started?"

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