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"Bucky, are you sure you want to go with me? Your wounds haven't fully healed..."

"Yes, Steve. And they are all healed," Bucky rolls his shoulders, "and besides, who's going to protect her if we won't." He points to Cynthia in a lab coat.

Cynthia snickers, "I could protect myself."

Steve hugs her and exits the tent. Bucky hugs her and sneaks a kiss on the forehead. He waves then he, too, leaves.

"Come home safe..."

Days would pass when they were on missions to destroy Hydra bases. They ambushed several and little by little, Hydra's bases disappeared on the map. Cynthia would wait for them to come back to their make-shift base. Sometimes time was so slow, she found herself training with Peggy or one of the men. One of these days, she will go on a mission with them. One of these days.

When they came back, they would have a meal with coffee or tea and go to sleep. They would be so exhausted that they would fall asleep when she checked them for wounds. Food and sleep. Who could live without them?

She became wonderfully skilled with a knife over the months. It was her ideal weapon to keep on hand. But guns were always a priority to keep on her hip.

Cynthia felt strong. Felt dignified. She was a doctor that knew how to fight. She loved someone she thinks likes her back. Life was okay.

. . . . .

"Their back, Doctor Gregridge!"

Cynthia straps her gun back to her hip, thanking the soldier she trained with.

She ran back to her tent, put on her lab coat, and left.

"Two injured!"

Four men carried the injured men.

"Get them in the tent!" Cynthia shouts. She runs to Steve and Bucky.

"Are you guys hurt?" Her body full of adrenaline, she inspects every inch of the two men. Under their arms, legs, back.

"No, doll. Don't worry." Bucky sounds pissed. What were they talking about before? He walks away, creating dust as he shuffles his feet.

Cynthia looks at Steve, "Is he okay?"

Steve nods and jogs after him.

"What the..."

. . . . .

They enter their shared tent.

"Bucky!!" Steve settles his gun on his cot. He was worried for his friend. Bucky sat on his cot, hands on his head. Ruffling through his brown hair.


"Why did you leave Cynthia alone?"

Steve stop in front of Bucky. Alone?

"What do you mean? I never-"

"She told me you went on tours. Did you?" Bucky lifts his head to stare at Steve.

Steve looks at him confused, "Yeah? that was only for a few months-"

"Did you communicate with her in those few months?"

Steve stays quiet. He couldn't say yes, because he didn't. Shit. How lonely must she have been. Sitting alone at the dinner table. He always thought about how lonely she'd be when Bucky and him went to war. But it was only Bucky who have made it back to her in one piece. He was busy working shows on shows.

The thing is, Steve had the time to be with her.

This was what Bucky was angry about.

If he had the time, he would spend it all on her. Her.

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