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Can you do a one-shot with Sam's POV? Thanks :)

Wait. When.

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"Don't say it-"

"On your left!" He shouts.

"Come on, man!"

I hear chuckling from behind me. Along with some thumps of heels on the ground.

"Sorry 'bout that," She grins.

She catches up to me. Her dark brown hair tied into a pony tail. Her eyes almost golden in color. Mesmerizing my gaze upon her.

"He always passes me, y'know that?" I make an annoyed expression, "Every morning. Every day: on your left! Can't a guy win sometimes?" I huff. I mean really, doesn't he run out of breath???

She giggles, "Come on. Admit it, he's pretty good for an old timer."

Old timer.

"Old timer?" I scoff, "What is he? 90?" I chuckle. I look over to her to see her smiling back.

I see in the distance. He finally stops and places his hands on his narrow hips. Smiling towards our direction.

Finally. A breather.

She quickens her pace. Soon she's several feet away from me.

Nuh uh. Not her too.

I sprint. As fast as my legs can take me. I'm sweaty as hell but I can take it. I can take it. I can take it.

"On your left!" He shouts.


I raise an eye brow and turn to see her catching up. So close. She's so close!

"Come on!" I plead. Not this lady too!

She eventually catches up to me. But I can't give up!

"Tie!" The man yells. She and I slow down. Scraping the soles of our sneakers on the hard concrete. Sweat drenches my crew neck and my legs ache.

The young woman laughs out loud. Isn't she out of breathe? Where's her sweat??

God, I'm exhausted.

I lay back against a tree. Watching the man crack up and the woman quirk a smile on her lips.

They seem cute.

"You need to slow down, Steve," She smirks, "I don't want you pulling a muscle of somethin'"

He finally stops laughing, "You alright?" He wipes the tears from his eyes. Probably from laughing too much.

I twitch a hesitant smile, indecisive of whether I should be offended or humored, "Yeah. Do you run marathons or something?"

He reaches a hand toward me. I grasp it and he pulls me up with ease.

He smiles, "Just a normal jogger."

I hear suppressions of giggles beside him. I crack a smile. This guys defiantly a runner. Don't know when or who but this guy...

She nudges me on the elbow, "My name's Cynthia," She points at the man, "Friend's name is Steve."

Steve smiles wider, gazing softly at Cynthia with his blue eyes.

"My names Sam. Sam Wilson." I reach to shake their hands. They happily oblige with a smile.

. . . . .

This couldn't be. This can't be.

Cynthia's dead.

She's in Steve's arms. God no, please come back. We need you.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2014 ⏰

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