Time Lessens the Pain of Wounds

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After the helicarrier accident, Hydra agents were scattered, and so were S.H.I.E.L.D. agents.

S.H.I.E.L.D. was blamed for damage to the city and for traumatizing the citizens of Washington D.C.

Over the last few weeks, Bucky was held in a rehab. Scientists probed at his metal arm. Relearning his past. Gaining some memories from fuzzy parts of his head.

But overall?

Bathing in self-loathing of killing his love. His best friend. Cynthia Gregridge.

It took a while to understand that they were together. Were supposed to be together.

Bucky read her older file. Yet it was much more detailed than Hydra's. It had a handwritten background of her past, written by her. A full body photo in 1940's clothing. An old portrait with 1940's make up. A death certificate.

He felt the same way about her. He loves her with every cell of his being.

Then he read her newer file. There was less inside the nilla folder. It was typed, on white copy paper. A full body photo with a S.H.I.E.L.D. uniform. A portrait with little to no make up.

Then on the last page. The official death certificate.

After several minutes of thinking, Bucky closed the folder and sank into his bed. Crying. Mourning over her. Pulling her necklace he wore closer.

Today was the day of her burial. The clouds were white and puffy like cotton candy. Flowers bloomed right beside the trees in the cemetery.

Her grave lyes right under a newly planted tree. A tree planted by Steve and Natasha. So when the tree grows, so will their love for her.

People from S.H.I.E.L.D., co-workers, and friends stand around her coffin.

"I hadn't known Cynthia for that long," Sam wipes his nose with his finger, "But those weeks - months I should say - were the most memorable. She always smiled. She always made the best of the worst. She was..." He whimpers, "She was herself..." He steps away from the front of the coffin. Sam couldn't let Cynthia see him cry. Not now.

Steve pats Sam on the shoulder. Rubbing his back as if to say it's okay to cry now. Sam just lost all self control. Natasha rests his head on her shoulder and nods towards Steve.

Steve smiles and glances to Bucky. His hair shorter and slicked back. Eyes bluer than before. Metal hand gloved with white.

"1931," Steve starts, coughing into his sleeve for good measure, "the year Cynthia met my good friend and I."

Bucky smiles. Glancing to the ground them back at Steve. Flashing his beautiful eyes.

"1935," Steve speaks with more confidence, "June 29, the day she received a necklace for her 17th birthday."

Bucky swallows. He was wearing the necklace now. God, was she watching over them?

"Year 1948, the year Steven Grant Barnes, their son, was born." Steve flips to the next page.

Bucky's expression was still smiling but he was confused inside. He heard he had a son. Never met him. Didn't plan to.

Oh god. Did Steve...

Steve's mischief in his eyes sends the red flag. He did. His son was here.

"2011, the year Cynthia walked back into my life. I was so happy. I can remember the...ridiculous conversations we had on the first day," Steve breathes in deep to let the tears in his eyes dry, "That was the day my life changed. After that, day by day, we found happiness again. Birthdays. Holidays. Just being with her made me feel...content. I love her, with every fiber of my being."

Bucky felt a little jealousy. I mean, how could he not? His best girl lived with a man alone for 3 years.

"But," Steve looks down at the paper as his eyes puffer pink, "but the day she...lied lifeless in my arms, my spirit had died also. For days, I've been in anguish. I was - and still am - a morose person. I've tried to be happy because I know she doesn't want me to be heavy with burden."

"I've read her journals," Steve wipes his eyes, "I've watched the home videos we've made over the years. I've looked over the photos we've taken," He has no control over his tears now, "it-it never felt so...lonesome not having her here." He sobs.

Several minutes pass as he finishes his eulogy. His eyes end up red and Bucky has to help him from the front of the podium.

After a couple more eulogies, the funeral ends with her coffin resting on the podium. White carnations with red bows cover her coffin.

Bucky sits beside her. Flesh hand on the lid of the coffin. Steve had left minutes ago to leave Bucky and Cynthia alone.

"I didn't get to say anything today," Bucky rests his head on her coffin, "I remember what I did. And I'm sorry. I am so sorry...You've died because of me and I can't apologize enough. I can't even breathe without knowing I've hurt you... Please - forgive me." Bucky lets a couple drops of tears hit the podium. The wind quickly dries his wet eyes.

"James Buchanan Barnes. Am I correct?"

Bucky slowly raises his head to an old man. Well, younger than him. Looks older than Bucky.

"Who's asking?" Bucky stands to his feet to shake the mans hand.

The man's blue eyes gaze into Bucky's, "Steven Grant Barnes." Steven shakes Bucky's hand.

"Steven?" Bucky's eyes widen in shock. His son.

"That's right. Your friend Steve there wanted us to talk," Steven shrugs, "I don't know why but I couldn't shake him." He laughs.

Bucky, after several days, smiles.

"Yeah," Bucky shoves his hands into his pockets, "let's take a walk, sonny."

"Now you sound like an old man."

"Do I?"

. . . . .

"So...you're my father?" Steven sounded dumbfounded. Bucky certainly did look like his father, almost exactly, but he thought he was...well, crazy.

Bucky nods.

"And-And Cynthia is my mother?" he stutters.

Again, Bucky nods.

Steven's eyes water over. He smiles and pinches the bridge of his nose.

"I-I never thought I'd meet my parents..." He sobs, voice cracking, "I thought you two were dead."

Bucky smiles, "You've...inherited your smile from your mother..." He mumbles out. He was still a bit socially awkward with people.

"It seems I've inherited everything else from you!" Steven laughs.

Happy. So this was what happiness felt like. It felt foreign to Bucky. But he liked it.

Tell Bucky to not be afraid.

Bucky wasn't afraid anymore.

He was happy.

- - - - -


About 2 more chapters to go! Maybe I'll do an extra ;)


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