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Steve and Natasha quickly arrive at the hospital. Parking roughly in the lines and escaping the automobile.


Steve rushes in the hospital doors. Interrupting Natasha.

He walks up to the registration desk, "I'm here for Cynthia Gregridge."

The nurse looks at him panicked, "Oh yes, um..." She looks through her clip board, "she's still in surgery."

Steve's face twists from panic to perturb, "Thank you." He manages to say. He walks into the waiting room.

Natasha gives a pat on the seat next to her.


"All we can do is wait, Steve. You barging in there isn't going to save her." She gives him those persuading eyes. Her red, straight hair resting on her shoulders.

He hesitates but eventually takes the seat next to her. The anger for himself rising.

Hours pass. The tension and anticipation in the waiting room grows dense. They were the only two in the room, but all that nervousness came from Steve. Natasha only met her a couple times. Those times always before her and Steve went on missions. She didn't know Cynthia, but she knew Steve.

Cynthia was the most important girl in his life. If she was taken away, he wouldn't be him.

Steve fidgets in his seat. Crossing his legs. Uncrossing his legs. Crossing his arms. Tapping his foot. Chewing his lip. All the bad habits he picked up long ago.

"Everything's going to be alright, Steve-"

"How the hell do you know?"

The anger and frustration in his voice surprised them both.

Steve's expression turns apologetic, "I'm sorry," He shoves his face into the palms of his hands, "I shouldn't be blaming you. I'm the one to blame. I should have stayed at her side a little while longer. I shouldn't have gone to bed early. Oh god. What if she-"

"Mr. Rogers?"

Steve stands up as fast as lightening. Natasha still seated with her legs crossed.

"Ms. Gregridge is asking for your presence."

"Is she alright?" Steve questions.

The nurse stays quiet and motions him to follow her. They walk through long halls. Turn corners. Up an elevator. It felt like a labyrinth to Steve. His destination waiting for his eyes.

"Room 509. I'll give you ten minutes." The nurse turns at her heel and leaves him in front of the door.

The door of his love.

Steve inhales deeply. Swallows hard. And reaches for the door lever.

The door opens a painfully slow speed, "Cynthia?" Steve whispers.

He sticks his head into the room. His eyes trace the mounds of her feet under the blanket to her bruised and damaged face.

The horror on his face couldn't be described. Dread. Apprehension. Anything expressing fear and guilt proposed a near description.

"Steve..." Her voice is husky. Hushed. And gritty. But she smiles. Like nothing bad had happened to her in the last 24 hours.

He closes the door behind him. Trembling. He turns to her and tries to smile, but fails miserably.

"Cynthia, I-"

"It wasn't your fault, Steve." Cynthia already knew what he was going say. He was always blaming himself when she or Bucky got hurt. It was like he needed the guilt. Wanted it.

"But I-"

"Steven." Cynthia spoke in her motherly voice. Kind but sincere.

Steve sighs and takes a chair to pull beside her bed. He sits down and grabs her hand in his.

The small hand in his palm that he could have lost.

"Where were you?" He whimpers. Her cold fingers were warmed by his.

She stays quiet. She wanted to lie. But she also didn't want to. What was better for the situation?


They threatened her. That's why she's in the hospital. She failed to give Hydra the information.


Oh god. What happened to Bucky? Did they torture him?


Hydra will fall. Hydra will fall with her.


"Hydra." Cynthia manages to whine. Steve's eyes widen.

"I need to tell you about Hydra." Her voice weak but her eyes the exact opposite. She grips his hand tight.

. . . . .

"You're working for Hydra?" By this time, Steve is pacing back and forth in the room. He somehow persuaded the nurse another 20 minutes to stay. The power of Steve Rogers can't be questioned.

"Yes-" Cynthia pauses, "Well, no. I didn't want to. If I didn't work with them-"

"Then they will kill you?" Steve rubs the arch of his nose. He glares at her with agitated eyes, "How long have you worked for them? How do I know I could trust you? You could pretending right now for all I know!"

The shock in Cynthia's eyes were not fake. They were from Steve doubting their friendship. The heart monitor beeps faster.

"I never knew you were this selfish, Cynthia!" Steve rests his hands on the frame of the hospital bed. Gripping so tight out of anger that his knuckles were white from lack of blood flow.

"I can't believed I loved you."

Steve glares at her. Her heart monitor skipped a beat from fear. Depression. Shock. Hurt. Her expression shows this too. How could he say that?

She turns her head. Hair covering her eyes, "Get out..." She croaks. The muscles in her neck clench.

Her dark brown hair golden from the peaking sun rays. She dared not cry in front of Steve. Especially now.


"GET THE FUCK OUT, STEVE." She yells. Her deep breathing holding her scared tears long enough for him to leave. Her chest quicken pace as her quiet tears fell. Her jaw tightens in place, not daring to let out wails.

I love you.

I already know. You don't need to tell me.

Steve didn't need to tell her. Through everything they've been through together as kids, she knew he loved her. From pain and sadness to comfort and love.

But him telling her she was selfish. Then he regretted loving her. What's next.

She's lost everything now.

Last person she trusted hated her. Her lover's memories were erased. Her health was a wreck. Every one of her friends were probably dead. She didn't want to go back to Hydra. The beat she'd received practically said don't come back.

What could she do now.

"You're wrong...Steve..." She whimpers to herself, "I did it for Bucky..."

He didn't know about Bucky.

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