How Far Is Your Limit

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I was now ordered to assassinate Captain America.

It's been days since they've hauled her body beside a building. She was found by a free way. Must have been still alive. Why didn't I kill her? She asked for it.

They said they wanted to weaken Captain America with his friend. They wanted him to be fragile when I attacked him. When they attacked S.H.I.E.L.D.

I watch him exit the hospital without the flowers in his hands. The 3rd boutique of flowers this week. White carnations.

The director of S.H.I.E.L.D was assassinated a couple days ago. Now I needed to kill the pride of America.

I aim my sniper. Right between his brows. I'm close enough to not miss. I hold my being still. The wind felt cool on my leather. I relax.

As I pull the trigger, his head whips in my direction and dodges the bullet.


He knows my location. I roll behind the ledge for cover. I remove the stand. The scope. And pack them in the bag along with the gun. I need to leave quickly.

"Were you the one who hurt Cynthia?"

I stiffen. Was I?

I turn to the man speaking. Just as I thought. Captain America.

"Answer me." He said. Now in a more confident and candid tone.

I drop the bag to the ground next to me. I pull out a gun from my right thigh pocket. I was ordered to assassinate Captain America. I plan on returning with that mission accomplished.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Steve and I hadn't talked much in the past week. He came everyday. Always replacing the flowers even when it got a little wilted. Since the day I got out of surgery, he gives me this cold look.

Like I suddenly wasn't his friend anymore. When I tried to bring up the topic again, he would reject it or just leave.

The only words we spoke to each other are 'Are you feeling okay?' and 'Yes, I'm fine.' Then he would just sit beside me in a daze. Questioning the life he had and the life he has.

What could I do to make this right again? Certainly I can't gain all of his trust back. And we probably can't be friends anymore.

The thought of us three split up makes a lump in my throat. I never thought it would have to end like this. I always thought it would end with Bucky and I having children. Living in a house. Steve settling down with a dame and their children. A family.

I thought life would end with a family. Like in the books. Where the person gets sick and in their last moments their family is the strongest as they slip away. Or when the princess marries the prince and they start a family.

I guess endings aren't always happy.

I hear car honks and tire screeches outside the hospital.

"What the..." I remove the covers from my legs and stand up. It hurt, but I could stand.

I look from the closed hospital window. Scanning the street. But stopping when I saw Steve and another man fighting.

I squint my eyes.

"Bucky." I gasp.

There's a knock at my door. I quickly turn to face Natasha. Her with a bag in her hands and face dirtied with dirt and scratches.

"Quickly," She throws the bag on the bed, "Get changed." She closes the door behind her.

"What?" I give her a confused look, "What am I supposed to do-"

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