Extra 2

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What if Cynthia didn't die?

Oh gosh...

- - - - -

"Come back!" My blue eyes blurred from the water, "C-Cynthia! Come back! I-I have so much to tell you. We can talk for as long as you want. About cooking, music, books, anything! Just come back!" I sob uncontrollably. I felt like I've said this before.

I search my brain for answers. That's right. I said this in my dream. Maybe she'll come back.

"I love you...so much...Y'know you're the prettiest girl I know..." I try to hold my sniffles, "I knew when I met you, that I would love you. You're the prettiest, most intelligent and most stubborn person I know. I love all of you. The stars don't even compare. The galaxies and the universe all wait for you to shine! But you can't do that if your here like this!"

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Steve curls Cynthia in his arms. Chin in the crook of her neck. Rocking back and forth as the S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents swarm him.

Sam and Natasha put there hands up as Steve still holds his best girl in his arms.


Steve stills. His nose still buried in her neck covered in brown hair.

"Captain! Put your hands in the air!"

Steve raises his chin just a fraction. Loosens his grasp on her just a bit also.

"I repeat! Put your hands up!"

Steve trembles.

This has to be a dream. It couldn't be possible...

"Steve..." Cynthia whispers. Her chest rises and falls mechanically, "Steve...." She sighs.

Steve's eyes widens and raises his chin quick, "Someone get an ambulance!" He takes a quick glance at Cynthia, "Hurry!"

The EMT's arrive almost seconds later. They gently and quickly place her on the gurney and wheel off.

Steve stands up with his hands in the air. Trying to look over the S.H.I.E.L.D. agent's shoulders to make sure Cynthia was safely in the hospital.

Yes. Good. She is.

Steve almost trembles from relief. She is alive. She is going to be okay. Did she hear what he said? Why was she calling his name?

. . . . .

Several hours later, Sam, Natasha and Steve were released from S.H.I.E.L.D.'s hands with the help of Maria Hill.

Steve now sits beside Sam in the hospital waiting room. Wondering when Cynthia will come out. Wondering what kind of person he is now.

"Hey...Sam?" Steve rests his elbows on his knees. Almost staring blankly in his mind.

"Hm?" Sam looks over to him with a raised eye brow.

Steve shuts his eyes tight, "I know this isn't the best situation to talk about this," Steve sighs, "But did Cynthia tell you anything at all?"

Sam furrows his brows, "About Hydra-"

"About me," Steve pinches the bridge of his nose, "About her and I...did she tell you anything?" Steve sounds like he was about to cry at any moment. His posture was rattled. His voice shaky.

Sam looks away. Staring at the painting on the other side of the room.

They breathe calmly for several minutes while Sam scouts his memories.


Steve shoots up. Posture still slouched but face with interest and concern.

"About what?" Steve whispers.

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