Together or Not At All

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Bucky hadn't come back last night. I guess he slept at another's tent.

Last night, I lied in my bed thinking about us. I love Cynthia to the bottom of my heart, but so does Bucky. Somehow I knew she was going to pick him, I just wasn't prepared when she told me. I could have taken that better.

I walk out of my tent. Showered. Dressed for combat. Ready for what today will bring.

I spot Bucky near the cafeteria. I want to talk to him. I want to properly apologize. But something was pulling me back. Telling me to wait.

I shrug it off and walk towards Cynthia's tent. I open the entrance with my arm, "Cynthia?"

"Yes?" She stands in a thick coat and warm pants. Her boots are tied off by her calves. Guns at her sides and knifes at her ankles. She looks, well, ready to battle.

I take one more look at her, "We're going at 0800. Prepare yourself."

Cynthia nods and goes back to getting ready. I stare at her long, brown hair being pulled into a pony tail. Her delicate hands gracefully tugging on her clothing.

I just couldn't stop loving her. Could I?


I turns round to his voice. Bucky's voice.

"Sorry, I'll leave you two alone..." I leave the tent without another word. I hear my name being called by Bucky, but I don't turn back to answer.

This could be taken care of later.

. . . . .

I, and others, are standing on a ledge of a mountain. The cold snow piling in our hair and resting on our eye lashes.

A zip line is shot onto the opposite ledge.

"This isn't payback for Coney Island? Is it?" Bucky grunts, looking at the end of the zip line.

I smirk, "Now," I hear Cynthia giggle, "Why would I do that?" I suddenly felt relaxed. It was nice having Bucky joke around after what had happened.

"We have a ten second window. Anything more than that, we're bugs on a windshield."

I nod and attach my hook on the zip line, going first. Then Bucky. Then Cynthia. Then the rest of the men.

We land directly on top of the train. Bucky and I look at each other as Cynthia scouts the surrounding area. She shivers from the snow. The cold wind in our ears, I was pretty sure our ears were numb.

With my strength, I harshly open the hatch of the train. One by one, we jump inside.

I walk to the a door at the end of train section. I stumble slightly as Cynthia pulls me back by my arm.

"Cameras." She says. Tone more serious than a couple minutes ago.

Bucky, the men and I look at all corners, none.

"What do mea-"

The door in front of me opens with a scree. My eyes widen as I get pulled back until my back hits the floor.


Guns shot fire around me. Cynthia stands above me with both pistols in her hands. Pulling the triggers like this was the last minute she would be alive.

I grab my shield and thrust it just beside her, hitting whatever was shooting at us, with a clang.

The shooting stops. Everything around me stills. Adrenaline practically poisoning the air. Cynthia breathes heavily as she walks off my being.

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