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Why didn't I just shoot with my pistol? That would be a much better move.

I guess I protect more effectively with my body when it comes to Steve. Old habits certainly die hard.

I cough. Spurting out blood from my lips. I look down. He stabbed me in stomach. On how much blood I'm loosing, I will most likely not live.

My eyes meet Steve's. His of horror. Mine of death, probably.

Bucky yanks the knife out of my being. The pain now numb to me. I bleed more. Now it more like a waterfall.

Steve still stares at me. I reach to touch my stomach.

"C-Cynthia!!" Steve grabs my shoulders. My limbs are like jelly. I fall against him.

"Go get....Bucky..." I choke. I try to stay on my knees but fail. Dammit. This wasn't how I wanted to die.

Steve looks around him and back to me, "I-It's alright," he chokes on his tears, "N-Natasha has him." He fixes his posture so I'm laying down looking up at him.

I smile, "Looks like...this is the...end of the..." I choke out more blood, "the line for m-me..." Tears begin to fill my eyes. No I can't cry.

"No," Steve puts pressure on my wound, "No. W-we're going to make it. To-Together..." He presses my head to his chest. His chest is warmer than before. Is he sick? Or maybe I'm just dying.

"Steve..." the tears I hid from him now were pooling.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"D-Don't you dare go, Cynthia." I can't believed how much my voice cracked on her name.

"I guess...I can't keep your guy's promise...after all..." She tries to laugh. Her chest mechanically rising and falling.

Promise? What promise?

Cynthia smiles, "I had dress...picked out already..."

I bite my lip. The tears now streaming down my cheeks.

The day before Bucky was shipped off. We both made a promise to Cynthia to come back safe. To walk her down the aisle of her wedding.

"I...You would have looked beautiful..." I smile. Or at least try to.

She grins weakly.

I cough, "We-We need to get a medic. Quickly-"

"No...Steve," Cynthia's eyes pleading, "Don't let me...die in a hospital..." She rests her hand on mine. On top of her deadly wound.


"Please...." Her eyes are watery.

I grit my teeth. No. She can't die. She can't die here.

"I-I love you, Cynthia," The tears don't seem to stop, "A lot. A whole bunch." I apply more pressure to her bleeding wound. Hoping that would do something. Make her last longer at least.

"I already...k-know...silly..." Her eyes flutter, "At least... I can finally tell...Dr. Erskine how...good you're doing..."

No. No. Don't go.

"You were always there for me. To support me. To heal me. It's my turn to help you," I shout out medic, "Don't leave me. Please..." I whimper. My throat hurts from suppressing my wails.

"It doesn't matter," tears fall down from her eyes, "I'll always be here."

Suddenly I wasn't frightened anymore. The tears that fell from her eyes somehow gave me closure. This was her first time crying since Bucky left.

The medics arrived. I try to pick her up but she grips my hand firmly.

"Don't let me die alone..." She whimpers, "listen to my last with..."

I have no control over my tears any more. I pull her close to my chest.

I lean into her until her lips are close to my ear, "Tell Bucky...To not be afraid anymore..."

Cynthia goes limp. Her last words lingering in my ear.

My brows furrow. If this was a dream, wake up now. I don't want this to happen.

I scream as I tightly wrap my arms around her.

"Come back!" My blue eyes blurred from the water, "C-Cynthia! Come back! I-I have so much to tell you. We can talk for as long as you want. About cooking, music, books, anything! Just come back!" I sob uncontrollably. I felt like I've said this before.

I search my brain for answers. That's right. I said this in my dream. Maybe she'll come back.

"I love much...Y'know you're the prettiest girl I know..." I try to hold my sniffles, "I knew when I met you, that I would love you. You're the prettiest, most intelligent and most stubborn person I know. I love all of you. The stars don't even compare. The galaxies and the universe all wait for you to shine! But you can't do that if your here like this!"

I wait for her to come back to life. Like in my dream.


I can't feel a heart beat. She's cold. She's limp. No. This can't be real.

I open my mouth but nothing comes out. My tears fill my eyes.

Natasha and Sam run towards me. Stopping several feet away. Probably registering what had happened.

I curl Cynthia into my chest. Hugging her tightly but gently. As if she was alive.

"Come back..." I whisper, "We need you..."

- - - - -

Hey there!

Thanks to all the readers who have been following the story!! This isn't the end yet!

There's a couple more chapters and then an epilogue.


Opinions? Feed back?

Any will be greatly appreciated c:


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