Idk The correct way of the Wattpad

20 1 3


"Tag 15 people, if they repost and tag back, they are true friends"

Hopefully this can count, because I did not know how to repost and tag people on here and at this point in time I can not get into YouTube to learn how to do all that stuff. I love the work you've been doing and the story you had done, hopefully you can find the inspiration to do more!!!! Before you leave, please answer some of these questions, pwease!

grace5151 and her folowers,

1. What is your favorite type of food
2. What highschool are you going to? (It's okay if you don't answer that)
3. Dogs or cats(which one would you pick)
4. How long have you've been in Wattpad?
5. What is your favorite OTP?

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