One last time

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Okay, this might be like a week or two late but as you all should know is that I started school, and how everything is going even MORE SLOW than it was. When I wanted to update this, it was going to be the last day of normal updating, but THAT DIDN'T HAPPEN EITHER!!! Anyways, I just wanted to say that this COULD BE the last thing on here until my intercession which is like the next 6 weeks for this staring week. ....haha haha my life is totally ruined. .....hahaha.......... Anyways!!! I wanted to ask some questions, their probably going to be questions I already asked and some might but at this point, I'm just to lazy to get my imagination going so here....

What have you done the past week??
Why did you do those things?
Favorite color
Animal of choice
What would it look like together??(Animal of Choice and Favorite color)
What is a name you wish you have??

I tag these to everyone who is reading this so please people don't leave me hanging and answers those questions please!!!

All I have been doing the past few weeks is looking up some depressed anime meme like these

All I have been doing the past few weeks is looking up some depressed anime meme like these

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(I don't own these, they belong to their rightful owners)

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(I don't own these, they belong to their rightful owners)

And I have been making stuff like these
(Again only own the pictures I have and the others belong to their rightful owner)

And I have been making stuff like these(Again only own the pictures I have and the others belong to their rightful owner)

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And much more but it's not letting me post them  but that's mostly it except stressing over the stupid school I HAVE TO GO TO!!! Why don't they came it tow here we can just choose to go to school or not have school every once in a while

К сожалению, это изображение не соответствует нашим правилам. Чтобы продолжить публикацию, пожалуйста, удалите изображение или загрузите другое.

And much more but it's not letting me post them  but that's mostly it except stressing over the stupid school I HAVE TO GO TO!!! Why don't they came it tow here we can just choose to go to school or not have school every once in a while. THAT WOULD BE NICE, but I got to go to sleep so....


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