Family Drama

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Right at this point I'm guessing that you already know why I changed the title of this......there is going to be a lot of drama, a lot of "yelling" and a lot of blanks for curse word. This type of drama is about my family drama, that  grace5151 and I have been talking about on the comments last update.
I am part Chamorrow, (Guam) which is from a pacific island. So, my dad is from there before he and his family moved to the U.S. The people at Guam call each other brother or sister around there so when some of my "uncles" and "aunts" had moved here when they were little, some of them went to either Florida, South Carolina, Chicago, Germany, and many other palces. So I don't even know or remember half of my family. I figured out like 2 or 3 years ago that a man that I used to call my uncle, was actually my cousin......WEIRD!!!! The only reason I say USED to, is because 1. He got divorced, and 2. I don't talk to him anymore, 3. I don't know if he's still alive at this point.

ANYWAYS!! The only reason we HAVE to call who ever is on my dad's side of the family (grown ups, elders, adults) aunts and uncles is because that's their way of showing respect to who ever you have to call aunts or uncles. So at this point, I just gave up on trying to figure out who is actually blood related to me or not. 

Anyway, what I was talking about last update with my family not going to have anymore connection with my dad's side of the family is that, we are FOR NOW renting a house that is my dad's mom's old house. Right now we are in the process of buying the house and since the house is in my grandmother's name, she's the one that sets up everything to get the house off of her hands. At first she said that we can use as much time as we needed to get everything together and situated so we can start the process of buying the house, next she tells us that we had until May to buy the house or move out. WE COULDN'T DO IT AT THAT POINT IN TIME!!!! There are freaking repairs one after another after another, so we have to get that done and taken care of until we get to buying the house for inspection. When she was living in the house, she lived in the house alone for a while until my ACTUAL aunt and her family had moved in with her. So her, her husband, and her 2 children were the ones that did most of the damages. NOT JUST THAT!!! When it was just my aunt and her family lived here, (when my grandmother had moved to a better house) they didn't pay for the house bills so it was like 3,000$ that MY PARENTS had to pay off, just because she didn't pay it because "her mom was the owner of the house so she's suppose to not pay for rent of the house." What the h*ll ever, I would've had my child pay for the house that they were renting from me, there's no difference if your parent is the owner of the house or not, YOUR SUPPOSE TO PAY FOR THE F*CKING HOUSE!!!

This was probably like 6 to 8 years ago👇👇👇

It's NOT only because of the house that we are disconnecting any relations of my dad's family, it's the way they treat us with any holiday or party that they have. Yeah, every once and a while we go to a party, but most of the time, my dad has to work and my mom doesn't like to go to places by herself with me and my brother. So when we decline an invite to a party, they get all mad and sh*ty and starts to say that we never spend time with them. B9TCH MY DAD HAS TO F*CKING WORK!!!! And if you can say that my mom could come over, NO!! IF SHE DOESN'T FEEL COMFORTABLE GOING BY HERSELF WITH OUT DAD THEN WAIT TILL NEXT TIME!! My parents even said that we can go, but they always plan something when my dad has to work. ...............Then come Christmas time.........we usually go to my uncles house the day before Christmas and we used to go to my grandmother's new house the day of Christmas. YET dad had to work on Christmas(yes sucks right?????). His mom invited us to a Christmas party at her house, but since my mom didn't like going places at dark alone, we chose not to go. Then Christmas Night came into view and my little self sees my dad out side, yelling to his mom through the phone and my mom sitting inside frustrated. My dad end his call with his mom and goes straight to his room so, ME BEING MY CURIOUS SELF, went to go see if he was ok. When I went to their room, I saw him on the verge of crying, so I went up to him and asked him what was wrong. He told me it was adult business and told me to go to bed...........God I HATE it when someone tells me when it's adult business, it's dealing with my father so I had to know what was going on. Anyways I went to bed and fell asleep. It was probably about like 2015 or 2016 when I asked my mom what had happened, and that's how I know most of this.

There is probably more to the reason why we are disconnecting to my dad's part of the family, and I have a really bad feeling that my moms side of the family is next, but my mom says that as long as we have each other we are good and going to be okay. I don't want to even get into my mom's side because for some reason it's more personal than the reason to my dad's side of the family, but.....said I wasn't going to get into so I'll see you guys later.

~Galaxy L.

(I know it might have been all over the place but if you're confused about something, it's no big deal and ask me)

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