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I AM SO SORRY FOR THE REALLY LATE UPDATES, just to think it's kind of hard to remember that I need to do these updates daily. So I've came up that I can't trust myself saying that I'm going to update daily and I will do at least 3 to 4 a week. Right now I'm trying to get used to my mom not being home every once in a while and being alone with my brother at home. The updates of my knee is doing good, it's getting a lot better! Thank you for the people who prayed and hoped for my knee to get better, really it means A LOT to me. I'm starting to not like going to the doctor's office or clinic because now since my ear is hurting and feels swollen, my mom is taking time off of her NEW JOB*shout out for my mom finally getting a job* to take me to the clinic tomorrow. I remember when I used to get hurt on purpose (rarely) so that I can go to the doctor or go somewhere to make sure that I'm alright, but's a different comparing Cinderella to the IT movie different. Lol.

Let's get to the questions....
1. Do you like the doctors office/clinic, etc?
2. Are you afraid of dentists?
3. How many times have you been to the hospital?

I don't really feel like doing tags but here are a hand full....

Thanks again for sticking around this book, and HOPEFULLY not getting triggered for me not sticking to my word. It's been really hetic around the house and a lot of arguments are producing(mainly between kids and parents). 

Thanks again for another great day, have a great night/day and see you guys next time.
~Galaxy L.

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